Why Is Pride Considered A Disease?

Do you know what pride is? That excess of esteem and admiration that we may have towards ourselves and that makes us believe that we are better than others. Today we are going to see the reasons why this is considered a disease.

Surely on some occasion we have met someone who we have described as “proud”. This person didn’t seem to be happy or feel good about being better than everyone else. What’s more, he seemed to be in constant stress and anxiety. However, we can only realize this if we look closely.

The stress of pride

Woman representing pride

Being proud leads people to not feel good. And, although they seek to feel better than others, the truth is that behind this there is a very low self-esteem. This does the following:

  • They compare themselves with others: So that no one takes away that position of being better or superior than others, they are always alert, comparing themselves with other people to reaffirm what they believe.
  • They hide their insecurity: Through pride, proud people hide their insecurity. Because, in reality, under that belief of feeling superior what they have is a great fear that others will discover that, in reality, they feel inferior.
  • Anxiety to be the best: The stress that pride entails comes from the need to always attract attention or to be too demanding of yourself to stand out above others.

As we can see, although a proud person may seem to be above others, in reality this is not the case. Behind this attitude is a very fragile person, who has possibly suffered a lot and who has endured a lot of pain.

The problems of people who live with pride

Next, we are going to discover what are the problems that people who live with pride face. As we have already seen, these types of people are not happy, but we are going to investigate further to find out why this is so:

  • They are unable to admire others: Through admiration one can learn and desire to achieve more challenging goals. On the other hand, wanting to be better and be above others only leads them to suffer for constantly comparing themselves.
  • They do not know how to listen: Their eagerness to be the center of attention prevents them from listening to others. This causes conflicts in their interpersonal relationships and that people around them consider that they only talk about themselves.
  • They are not capable of acting without proving their worth : In everything they do they try to prove their worth, so they don’t relax or enjoy a single moment. This prevents them from being happy with what they do, something quite harmful to themselves.

    Beneath pride there are deep trouble

    The big problem with people who act with pride, and that is why it is considered a disease, is that they are hiding something that hurts them. When they do this,  instead of solving the problem, they hide it. This, inevitably, will chronify it.

    Sad man

    Proud people can spend many years ignoring a problem that they have camouflaged under a proud attitude. This causes it to get worse, even if it is in the shade, increasing the feeling that one is not happy.

    Although the person proudly maintains this attitude for a long time, in the end it turns into a disease. Migraines, dizziness, tummy aches are the body’s way of signaling that there is something that needs to be fixed. This is what is known as somatization of emotions.

    Pride is not something that has no solution, although in order to find it it is necessary for the person himself to be aware of what is happening to him. Only then can you seek help and resolve what lies behind that pride.

    Have you met someone very proud? Have you used pride to camouflage some kind of lack or insecurity? Pride can end up becoming a disease, with physical symptoms that have a much deeper origin. Our inner well-being, our tranquility and our peace are important and will affect our health.

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