Tips To Eliminate Abdominal Distension

Although the feeling of bloating is common among the population, exercising and following a series of healthy habits would directly influence its development.

Some people frequently experience a feeling of heaviness after eating a certain food. This perception is usually recognized by the name of “swollen abdomen” or “abdominal distention” and can cause discomfort and interfere with the quality of life.

The problem of bloating can be caused by a myriad of factors. Experts point out that, although most of the time this is a consequence of overeating rather than a serious illness, we must be attentive to the causes that produce it.

On the other hand, it has been suggested that the term “bloating” should be reserved for the “subjective symptom of increased abdominal girth” and that “distention” would only be used when there is a real change in circumference. In other words, the swelling would be perceived by the patient and the distention would be detected by the doctor.

Epidemiology of abdominal distention

The feeling of bloating is common and is usually experienced by most people at some point in their life.

In fact, a recent population survey observed that 16% of healthy individuals experience bloating at least once a month.

In turn, it is shown that 50% of patients with irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) and a predominant pattern of constipation also have abdominal distention, reporting a negative impact on their quality of life. In addition and in contrast, a similar percentage would also appear in patients with symptoms of diarrhea.

In the case of women, 40% of them identify the feeling of bloating with their menstrual cycle. An article published by the Colombian Journal of Gastroenterology would explain that this is due to a possible hormonal influence, and that if this signal is not given in all cases it would be due to the variability that the same period presents.

Here are some simple ways to prevent and help improve bloating.

Rule out any type of food allergy

The first thing to know is whether or not you have any type of allergy. This is something that can be found out or suspected, since only one realizes how his body reacts when he consumes a certain food.

For this reason, if you feel heavy every time you eat something in particular, it is advisable to visit a specialist doctor. He will be the one who performs the indicated tests to find out if the body does not tolerate this food and others that contain similar compounds.

Eat slow

According to the following scientific article, flatulence can be minimized with simple acts such as eating calmly and chewing each bite.

In this way, the digestion process is easier and the body will not have to work excessively to process food.

When people eat too fast, they can swallow too large pieces of food and cause the body to take longer to digest them; producing, in turn, a greater amount of gas and leading to other digestive problems.

Increase your fiber intake

The excessive lack of fiber can cause constipation and all the complications that this disorder can generate. For this reason, experts from the National Institutes of Health recommend consuming more foods that contain it.

Another way to get adequate amounts of fiber is through some supplements. However, its consumption should not be abused since raising it excessively can generate a “rebound effect” that would lead to the presence of gas and flatulence.

The ideal formula for achieving a healthy body is to seek and ingest products, such as fruits and vegetables, within a healthy and varied lifestyle.

Reduce bloating by avoiding carbonated drinks

Don't drink carbonated drinks to avoid bloating

For some people this may be the main cause of bloating, since it would be customary to accompany two or more meals every day with carbonated drinks.

When its consumption is recurrent and excessive, the gas in these products can cause flatulence and a greater sensation of heaviness. For this reason, the following article published in the Foundation for Female Health Awareness recommends, among other measures, changing this class of carbonated soft drinks and replacing them with water or natural juices.

Reduce your salt intake

Although there is no scientific evidence to show that reducing sodium in meals improves abdominal distension; The truth is that health experts recommend, in general, abandon the habit of adding excessive amounts of salt.

In addition, it must be said that most foods already have it incorporated and those with a higher sodium content would also impair good digestion. These include canned, frozen and cold meats, among others.

Taking a short walk will help decrease bloating.


Another good recommendation to keep in mind is to take a short walk right after you’ve eaten. This can help facilitate digestion, which will prevent digestive problems.

Although these tips can help prevent and alleviate this uncomfortable feeling, see a doctor if abdominal swelling worsens or does not go away. He is the professional who, in the most serious cases, can provide treatment according to the situation.

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