The Importance Of Personal Space In The Couple

Personal space in the couple is essential for any relationship.  Everyone needs a personal space to develop as an individual, practice their hobbies, make friends and express their personality.

To achieve full happiness it is necessary that there is a balance between the space of the couple and the individual, we explain it to you.

The personal space in the couple and its importance for our emotional health

Many people think that true couples should do everything together, that happiness is in not separating at any time and sharing a unique space at every moment.

However, in the long term, it is not sustainable. To maintain mental and emotional health, we must have moments of individuality, privacy, to maintain what characterizes us and that also makes us happy.

Let’s see it with the following examples to understand it better:

1. The need to continue growing as people

dose of loneliness

Without a doubt, there is nothing more satisfying than having a partner with whom to share our life, with whom to have a project for the future in common and to live together with her. But having a partner should in no way limit your continued growth as people.

Growing as people is having your own identity, cultivating hobbies and friendships, training, growing professionally …

We develop all of this in our personal space, and day by day, it gives us that simple happiness that complements that offered by our partner.

2. The space of the couple and the individual space must not be enemies


Sharing hobbies as a couple strengthens the relationship, but that does not mean having to dedicate ourselves exclusively to the other. It is necessary to have moments of solitude to be with ourselves, and that does not mean betraying the person we love.

3. Trusting the other is also a sign of love


Jealousy is the main enemy of personal space. Unfortunately, many people do not approve of their partner partying without them or taking a trip alone, or with their own friends.

We must pay attention, because if we stop doing what identifies us and is part of our personal space, we will stop being ourselves and we can end up with very low self-esteem.

Trusting is a token of love. “I allow you because I trust you, I let you grow as a person because that way we will also grow as a couple.”

4. Personal space as a bond of complicity in the couple


Allowing each one to have their personal space is undoubtedly a sign of love, trust and complicity.  If we are happy as people, we will be happy as a couple.

But if we are frustrated because we do not do what we want, or because the other person feels jealous or mistrust, we will only add unhappiness to our relationship.

Being yourself, maintaining your identity, your social relationships and aspirations will allow you to enjoy your personal space and be happy. This will strengthen the bonds with your partner and bring harmony to the relationship. Because we all deserve to be happy.


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