The Best Way To Harden Nails

The appearance of the nails, as well as trying to harden them, has become one of the aesthetic concerns of women. Nail fragility manifests itself through a number of different physical signs, such as soft and brittle nails, with longitudinal or transverse cracks.

The causes are various, from an excessive manicure with metal instruments, to systemic diseases. Therefore, when changes in the nails are detected, such as alterations in color, thickness or shape, it is necessary to see a doctor to carry out the appropriate tests and thus rule out other problems.

On the other hand, in the appearance of the nails, states of malnutrition can be observed. Virtually all nutritional deficiencies can affect nail growth in some way.

Once it has been ruled out that the cause of this frailty is not any type of condition, some methods can be used to improve its appearance. In this article, we will talk about some homemade recipes that our grandmothers have used to try to harden their nails.

Homemade recipes to harden nails

If your nails break, break or snag, in addition to following proper habits such as not biting them or following a healthy diet, you can bet on these natural remedies that are believed to help harden them.

Raw onion remedy to harden nails

onion to harden nails

Almond oil, thanks to its vitamin E properties, in addition to omega 3 and 6, could help improve the appearance of nails. Also, some studies suggest that vitamin E is one of the treatment modalities for yellow nail syndrome. This syndrome presents yellow, dull, and slow-growing nails.

How to use them?

  • Place two tablespoons of almond oil in a container and mix with two tablespoons of olive oil.
  • With a cotton ball, go “painting” the nails and let them absorb the oil.
  • Repeat up to three times a day.

Garlic remedy to harden nails

garlic to harden nails

The smell can be unpleasant as in the case of the onion, nobody said that the beauty was simple.

Garlic contains many properties, similar to onion, that could help improve the appearance of your nails. In addition, garlic and its component, allicin, have antibiotic effects that could be a support when it comes to preventing fungi.

How to use it?

  • Place some finely chopped garlic cloves in a glass of water.
  • Let it rest and soak your nails there for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat twice a day.

Rosemary remedy to strengthen nails

Rosemary to harden nails

Due to its antiseptic properties, rosemary could also be suitable for preventing nail infections.

How to use it?

  • You need two tablespoons of rosemary and a cup of water.
  • Boil it for five minutes and remove from the heat.
  • Let it cool for a few minutes.
  • Place the infusion in a container and soak the nails for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure twice a week.

Aloe vera remedy to harden nails

Aloe vera harden nails

Aloe vera has multiple properties that may help moisturize and rejuvenate the keratin in your nails. In addition, it contains 75 potentially active components: vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids and amino acids. As well as vitamins A (beta-carotene), C and E, which are antioxidants.

How to use it?

  • You will need a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and three drops of olive oil.
  • Mix both ingredients well and stir until they are completely integrated.
  • Soak a cotton ball and rub over your nails.
  • Let it absorb and repeat as many times as you consider necessary.

Horsetail lotion for weak nails

ponytail toughen nails

Horsetail has been used in skin, hair, and nail remedies, potentially due to the high silicon content. Due to its tonic, antiseptic and antioxidant action, horsetail could improve the appearance of nails.

How to use it?

  • All you need is to make an infusion with a handful of horsetail per cup of water.
  • Dip the nails in it, when it warms up.
  • Leave to act for 10 minutes and remove.
  • Repeat 3 times a week.

Wheat germ home remedy

wheat germ to harden nails

The wheat germ contains vitamins of the complex B and E, folic acid, iron, potassium, zinc. All these properties could have a positive effect on the nails, helping them in their growth and strengthening.

How to use it?

  • Heat four tablespoons of wheat germ oil in a double boiler for a few minutes.
  • Remove from heat, let cool and add a few drops of lemon juice.
  • Put your fingers in for ten minutes.
  • Repeat 3 times a week.

Tips to harden nails

In addition to the home remedies indicated above, it is good that you take into account the following tips if you want to repair your nails and keep them healthy:

  • Use a nail polish remover that does not contain ingredients that harm the health of your nails. While acetone is very effective in removing enamel, there are healthier options.
  • Eat dairy and foods that contain calcium, protein, and vitamins A and E.
  • Drink enough water throughout the day. Keep in mind that brittle nails can mean a high degree of stress or a poor diet.
  • Don’t keep your hands wet for too long. Do not spend a lot of time in the shower and with hot water.
  • Use protection for your hands when gardening or cleaning the home.
  • File the nails regularly, squarely and always in the same direction. If possible, the file should not be made of metal.
  • Paint with hardener (you can create one yourself, adding a crushed garlic clove to a transparent glaze).
  • Remove the nail polish completely, to do this, use soap and warm water in addition to the nail polish remover. Once that is done, pat dry with a cotton towel and massage with olive oil.
  • Do not open cans or scratch with your nails, use appropriate elements for it.
  • Do not bite your nails because in addition to not growing, they flake when in contact with saliva constantly.

Also keep in mind that brittle nails can be a sign of disease, a lack of iron and vitamins, or a poor diet. If the problem persists, it is best to see a specialist.

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