Reiter’s Syndrome Or Reactive Arthritis: What Does It Consist Of?

Reiter’s syndrome is a type of arthritis that occurs after an infection. This syndrome not only affects the joints, as could be assumed to be arthritis, but also has consequences on different parts of the body. Here we tell you everything you need to know about him.

What is Reiter’s syndrome?

Reiter’s syndrome or reactive arthritis is, as its name implies, an arthritis that occurs as a reaction to different infections. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. That is to say, of the tendons, their fasciae and the synovial membrane, which are the parts that make up each joint.

In addition to the joints, this syndrome also affects other parts of the body. These are, above all:

  • Eyes
  • Skin
  • Reproductive system
  • Urinary system

This pathology, although it can affect anyone, occurs mainly in men under 40 years of age. The prototype of the person who suffers from this disease is usually a man in his 30s, although, we repeat, it can occur in any other age group.

What are your causes?

Reiter's syndrome is an arthritis

As we have already mentioned, it usually occurs after different infections. Although its causes are not fully established yet, there are certain antecedents that seem to be the ones that most predispose to this syndrome. Some examples would be:

  • After intestinal infections due to food poisoning. Those that most frequently cause reactive arthritis are Shigella and salmonellosis.
  • After suffering from urethral infections, in both men and women, having had unprotected sex. Some of the sexually transmitted diseases that can lead to Reiter’s syndrome are, for example, chlamydia and gonorrhea.
  • Although it is not entirely clear, it is also suspected that genetics may play a role. More cases of Reiter syndrome have been described in people with a direct relative with a history of it.

What symptoms does it produce?

Like all arthritis, the main symptom that this syndrome will produce is joint pain. Normally, it will be in more than one joint, and affecting areas that support our weight, such as the hips, knees or the lumbar area of ​​the back.

In addition to joint involvement, problems with the reproductive and urinary systems can manifest as pain or discomfort when urinating, or having sexual intercourse. In addition, on some occasions a whitish discharge may be observed that comes out of the urethra, especially in the case of men. Blood stained urine may also appear at the time of urination.

Conjunctivitis may also appear in the eyes. As for general symptoms, it is capable of producing a low-grade fever, general malaise and fatigue. Non-painful ulcers also appear on the tongue or on the lips, eyes, and genital tract.

joint pain from reactive arthritis

Diagnosis and treatment of Reiter’s syndrome

The diagnosis will be made, as always, by a specialist, based on the signs and symptoms and a good physical examination. In addition to this, laboratory tests of blood and urine, and imaging tests, such as x-ray or ultrasound of the spine or the affected joint can be performed.

Once the diagnosis is established, treatment will be based, above all, on rest and control of symptoms. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatories may be prescribed. If a clear cause is found, such as a sexually transmitted infection, treatment for reactive arthritis will be based on the treatment for the infection.

Consult when in doubt

The manifestations of this syndrome can be present from a few weeks to months. Everything will depend on the intensity of the infection and the affectation of the organism, as well as the response of each patient to the treatment and the processes that occur.

Therefore, the most important thing, as always, is that in the event of any symptom that may make us suspicious, we go to the specialist. The professional will be the one who establishes the steps to follow so that the process goes as well as possible and affects us in the least.

Even so, in many cases, once reactive arthritis has been suffered, it is rare that after months or years it reappears as a result of some other infection.

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