Reduce Cellulite With A Natural Avocado And Rosemary Cream

Cellulite is an aesthetic problem that greatly affects women, especially when they suffer from overweight, continuous hormonal changes and fluid retention. It is a condition that is characterized by the formation of nodules of fat and toxins under the skin, which are noticeable as small dimples.

It usually originates in areas such as the buttocks and legs, although, to a lesser extent, it is possible to suffer it in the arms and abdomen. Although it is not a serious health problem, its presence can indicate problems in the lymphatic and circulatory system.

Luckily, there are externally applied treatments that, used on a regular basis, help treat these discomforts to minimize their appearance.

Among these options we find a natural avocado and rosemary cream that, applied through massage, facilitates its reduction. Do you dare to try it?

Natural avocado and rosemary cream to combat cellulite

Avocado and rosemary cream is a preparation of natural origin that, due to its combination of nutrients and properties, helps us reduce the appearance of cellulite more easily.

It works in a similar way to commercial gels and treatments and is cheaper and easier to buy.

Avocado benefits


Avocado is one of the natural ingredients most used in the cosmetic industry, not only because of its versatility, but also because its richness of essential nutrients confers important benefits to the skin.

  • Its high concentration of essential fatty acids, in addition to vitamins A and E, help nourish the dermal tissue, reducing the formation of fat nodules and flaccidity.
  • Contains important essential amino acids, which stimulate cellular activity to keep skin elastic and strong.
  • Its essential oils help improve circulation when applied locally and, thanks to this, help reduce cellulite.

    Rosemary benefits


    Rosemary is one of the healing plants that are often used to promote rest for the legs and, incidentally, reduce the appearance of “orange peel”.

    • Its main cosmetic benefits are attributed to its content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which improve skin health in many ways.
    • These substances stimulate blood flow, especially in the lower body area, minimizing the appearance of varicose veins, cellulite and stretch marks.
    • Its essential oil serves as a natural tonic, helping to reduce flaccidity.
    • Applied by massage, it is useful to promote lymphatic functioning, which allows the elimination of toxins and fluids that influence the formation of nodules.
    • In general, it serves as a remedy for circulation and helps us to keep the skin smooth.

    How to prepare this avocado and rosemary anti-cellulite cream?

    cream-avocado.  cellulitis

    Although the main ingredients of this anti-cellulite cream are avocado and rosemary oil, it is worth mentioning that we will also use some plants and lemon juice in order to enhance its properties.

    It is a formula that we can prepare at home in simple steps and, although its main purpose is to combat this aesthetic problem, we can use it alternatively to calm inflammation or circulatory difficulties in the legs.


    • 1 cup of rosemary oil (200 g)
    • 1 ripe avocado
    • 2 tablespoons of sage (20 g)
    • 2 tablespoons of eucalyptus (20 g)


    • Pour the rosemary oil into a pot and add the sage and eucalyptus.
    • Put the mixture on a low heat and let it heat up, without coming to a boil.
    • When it’s hot, wait for it to sit at room temperature for 2-3 hours.
    • After this time, strain the oil and reserve it.
    • Crush the pulp of a ripe avocado and mix it together.
    • Then, mix it with the oil and stir everything until you get a thick paste.

    Application mode

    • Take a generous amount of cream and apply it on the areas affected by cellulite.
    • Massage for 2 or 3 minutes, in a clockwise direction.
    • Let it sit for 15 more minutes and rinse with cold water.
    • Repeat its application at least 3 times a week.

    Are you trying to reduce cellulite? Remember that, in addition to using this natural product, it is essential to maintain a good diet, consume water and exercise in order to minimize this aesthetic problem as much as possible.

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