Recommendations To Lose Weight

Losing weight is not just a cosmetic issue, but a health issue. Similarly, it is important to consider the difference between the concept of losing weight and losing weight healthily. 

In most cases, we gain weight primarily from our lifestyle. Poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, fast pace of life, stress, are factors that promote excess fat and loss of muscle mass. This, over time, can lead to health problems for the person.

There are many diets that promise to lose weight miraculously based on reckless daily eating. You have to be careful with these diets, because over time they can cause serious consequences in the body. Losing weight is not easy, it is a change that takes time and requires dedication and commitment, especially since it entails an important change in lifestyle.

Therefore, it is important to have the support of a specialist who tells us how to carry out each step. To lose weight it is not necessary to starve. Here are some recommendations to lose weight. Pay attention!

Why does our weight increase

As Saludemia professionals explain, our lifestyle inevitably conditions our weight and, therefore, the state of our health. Alcohol, tobacco, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle are the main factors that condition a person’s physique.

In some cases, weight gain may be related to certain diseases or medications. In these situations, it is best to consult any questions or problems with the doctor directly. These are more complex cases in which it is important not to make decisions without the advice of a professional.

Now, when the reason is lifestyle, the change can come from oneself, and it is important to make the decision to change with confidence. To reduce our weight in a true way, it is not enough that we do certain “miracle diets” sporadically, diets that can also be harmful. The key is in the attitude and the change of life habits. 

Person on top of scale with measuring tape


Natural remedies for weight loss

Good eating habits

As we have already mentioned, you should eliminate the consumption of “junk food” and reduce saturated fat. Industrial pastries, ultra-processed foods, sweets, and high-energy drinks should be avoided entirely. These products do not contribute anything to the body and promote weight gain. We must also reduce the consumption of flour, sugars and red meat. Instead, it is good to consume  chicken meat, fish and all kinds of vegetables.

If you want to have something between meals, you can substitute the fried ones or the ultra-processed bars for an infusion, some fruit, or a small portion of whole grains. There is a huge variety of real, healthy foods you can count on!

In addition, you have to take into account how the food is cooked .  The lightest preparations are steaming, boiling, the oven and the iron. It is also advisable to avoid certain oils, such as sunflower, and replace them with healthier ones, as recommended by the Spanish Heart Foundation, such as olive. 

Basket full of healthy foods like vegetables and fruits

It is also very important to drink a lot of water. The most advisable thing is to drink about 2 liters of water daily. As mentioned above, in no case will it be positive to replace water with energy drinks or soft drinks. If you want to drink something different, you can choose to prepare smoothies or natural fruit juices.

On the other hand, a good option that you can try is c omer on small plates. According to studies from the University of Utah, there is a small lag between the moment a person has finished eating and the moment their stomach feels full. When using small plates, smaller portions are served. Thus, the brain receives the signal to have finished eating and the feeling of being satiated will come to us, avoiding overeating.

Avoid sedentary lifestyle

Leading a sedentary life negatively influences glucose and fat levels in the body. According to various studies, every hour we spend sitting increases the risk of heart disease by 18%.

As a publication in the Texas Heart Institute Journal points out weight loss and regular physical activity contribute significantly to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially in women.

Likewise, keeping assets favors the control of overweight and all the risks that it entails. There are thousands of sports centers and activities from which you can choose what to do. Choose what best suits your pace of life and start moving, you will notice the difference.

In some cases, certain people need to sit for a long time. It is necessary to break this dynamic every half hour or every hour with five minutes of activity. As much as you can, you have to try to move . Half an hour of walking during the day can be very effective. For example, you can walk to work if possible, instead of using public transportation. We can also take healthy habits, like taking the stairs instead of using the elevator.

Moderate exercise is one of the most effective weight loss remedies

In any case, if you feel that you need the support of a specialist, do not hesitate to go to a nutritionist. A professional can tailor a specific diet to each individual’s personal needs, monitor compliance, and offer support until the last minute.

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