Practice Kindness Without Looking At Whom

Kindness is something one chooses to practice. We could speak, without a doubt, that nobility is a dimension that comes directly from the heart but, in reality, it also has a lot to do with the way we react to negative or complicated situations.

We have all been through times full of anguish and difficulty. Many times it would have been easier to react with a certain selfishness and even with some pride. However, it is impossible for us, and we voluntarily choose to practice kindness.

Being good does not mean sinning innocence or letting others manipulate us as they please. The nobility of spirit is one that is faithful to its values. Faced with any negative fact, one prefers to return kindness. However, there are curious nuances in this type of personality that are worth delving into for a few moments.

We invite you to do it with us.

Kindness always makes us doubt our actions

Woman from behind with flowers.

Rick Hanson is a well-known neuropsychologist at the University of Berkeley (United States) who has written such interesting books as The Buddha’s Brain: Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom .

In their own experience in the study of human goodness and happiness, noble-hearted people often question their actions on an ongoing basis.

  • They fear that they have not been correct in the words they have communicated, they worry about whether they have been helpful or whether the impact will have been positive and appropriate.
  • Sometimes noble-hearted people are obsessed with past mistakes made with their peers.
  • Many of the things they do are questioned, since they have a high self-demand that sometimes brings them some suffering.

According to Dr. Hanson, while other people tend to consider them as beings of reference in their lives due to their authenticity and the affection they show, the most noble personalities always tend to think that they could have done more.

Therefore, it is important to reflect for a moment on these dimensions.


In moments of anger, calm

Good people get angry too, no doubt, and they feel anger, rage, and anger. Because we are all human and we are all subject to the effect that aspects such as injustices and selfishness have on us.

  • Now, a detail that we must take into account about kindness is that, in moments of anger or rage, it is better to maintain emotional control in the most appropriate way.
  • Good-hearted people, being very self-demanding, tend to value pros and cons. They think about the consequences before taking certain actions and seek, above all, the common good and never contempt or aggression.
  • Good people believe in justice, but not in sanctioning, but democratic and constructive. Therefore, in moments of anger, they always remain calm to act in the most beneficial way for everyone.

    Kindness is not something you think about, it is a way to find harmony in life

    The central axes of goodness are respect, reciprocity, the need to promote common well-being, balance and inner peace. These people always seek to combine their own values ​​with the actions carried out.

    Acting kindly is not exactly easy. Sometimes we see very inappropriate behavior. However, we always opt for the good side of the balance and for the need to be congruent with ourselves. In this way, we find harmony outside and inside.

    Doing good requires knowing how to recognize it

    Family looking at the stars.

    We return to the idea indicated at the beginning by Dr. Hanson: good people do not usually see themselves as such, because they question many things they do and because, sometimes, they tend to dwell too much on the mistakes made in the past. Hence, these simple ideas are worth thinking about:

    You have strong principles and values ​​that define each of your actions. So every time you do something for someone, take a few minutes to think about that action.

    • For example, a friend of yours has problems at home or with her partner. You tell him that he can spend a few days with you to reflect, to relax and make decisions.
    • After that time with you, he thanks you for your support and tells you how important you are in his life. For her you symbolize that very necessary pillar without which she would not know what to do.

    Think about it and enjoy that bond. Because that is, after all, what counts. Strengthen ties with our peers to always show the best of ourselves and promote a common good. Doing good without looking at someone who costs nothing and is worth a lot.

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