Natural Remedies For Cracks In The Hands

Some plants may help to improve the symptoms of cracks in the hands. But remember: these natural remedies are not a substitute for consulting a professional.

Cracks on the hands should be treated as a priority. When cracks appear it is not just an aesthetic issue: if they are not treated they can get worse.

The skin of the hands suffers attacks by the weather, its excessive use at work, products or chemicals, etc. Here are some natural remedies and homemade creams to alleviate cracks. These would also serve for: redness, itching, cracks and any problem in the skin of the hands.

Foods that improve circulation

cracks in the hands

Did you know that some foods are attributed properties that would improve circulation? For this reason, they would be suitable for improving the health of the skin of the hands.

This is because the cracks can appear because adequate oxygenation is not reaching through the blood. The hands then lose hydration and vitality, and begin to tear.

  • Garlic : we recommend eating raw garlic regularly or doing the Tibetan garlic cure. Research noted that the group that consumed garlic daily saw their circulation improved by 50% after three months compared to the control group.
  • Cayenne : different studies indicate that adding a pinch of cayenne to meals, without overdoing it, would improve circulation. This depends on the digestive system of each person and their tolerance to spicy.
  • Ginger: ginger also adds a spicy point but is milder. We can eat it grated, infused, confit, etc.
  • Chestnut honey : it is believed that it would help improve circulation.

On the other hand, it would be advisable to avoid the consumption of salt, since it can dehydrate and devitalize our skin. Use herbs instead to flavor your meals.

Supplements for the skin

We must bear in mind that the skin is especially nourished by vitamins A, C and E. As for minerals, selenium is essential for the skin due to its antioxidant effect that prevents premature aging.

It is also recommended to consume vitamin B6 (present in whole grains) as a supplement in the morning, since at night it could disturb our sleep. And finally, silicon gives the skin the flexibility it needs to be protected against external aggressions.

Plants for cracks in the hands

Ginkgo biloba for cracks in the hands

This plant is attributed many properties that would help alleviate various diseases. One of them is to carry oxygen to the extremities, improving circulation.

  • Therefore, it would be useful to improve oxygenation of the hands.
  • We can take it as an infusion, at least three a day, or as an extract, for three months.
  • Afterwards, we will pause for a few weeks or months and, depending on the results, we can repeat the treatment.

Witch hazel for cracks in the hands

Historically, this shrub has been used as an astringent, that is, as an aid to contract tissues, dry wounds, relieve burns, etc.

  • We could use it internally and externally, taking infusions or extracts, and applying infusions or essential oil.

Horse chestnut for cracks in the hands

  • The bark of this tree would have important properties to protect the skin, although they have not been scientifically proven.
  • It could also be used internally and externally.

Natural treatments for cracks in the hands

Another option to relieve cracks in the hands would be to prepare our natural and homemade ointments ourselves. Do you dare to get down to work?

Homemade rose and lemon cream

The astringent properties of lemon would help heal cracks, while roses are known for their moisturizing and softening powers. Together these two ingredients  would be an interesting combination to alleviate this condition.

  • We will marinate for a week 20 grams of rose petals and 5 grams of lemon peel in 30 centiliters of olive oil.
  • We let it rest and filter the preparation.
  • We will keep it in a dark and dry place, and we will apply it 2 times a day on the area to be treated.

Aloe vera and rosehip gel

Both ingredients are considered healing and nourishing. For this reason, they would help to regenerate the dead tissues of the skin of the hands.

  • This ointment is very easy to make. We just have to mix the aloe vera gel together with rosehip oil.
  • This gel could also be used to smooth skin wrinkles.

Alternate hand baths

Without a doubt, the most economical way to improve hand circulation would be to take alternate baths with hot and cold water.

  • We will use two containers and we will alternate hands 15 seconds in cold water and also 30 in hot water.
  • For at least 5 minutes.
  • We will finish with the hot water.
  • We will gently rub our hands with a towel and, if we wish, with the natural ointment that we will have prepared or with olive or sesame oil.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy is also a natural medicine that offers remedies that, those who use them, point out as effective to improve this discomfort.

  • The homeopathic remedy Calcium Fluoratum 6CH would bring elasticity to the skin.
  • If the cracking is chronic, we could choose the Petroleum 6CH remedy .
  • If the cracks have a yellow crust, we would use Graphites 6CH.

From the remedy we choose, we will put three balls under the tongue three times a day. Separated from foods, drinks and strong and menthol flavors (gum, toothpaste, etc.).

Consult with a dermatologist about the best way to improve cracks on your hands. Remember that natural remedies can accompany the treatment prescribed by a professional but replace it.

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