Love Tests To Validate The Solidity Of A Couple Relationship

Conquer our partner every day and worry about their concerns can be one of those love tests that will help us keep the relationship alive

During the infatuation phase, love is crazy. Everything is euphoria, desire, passion … However, when this phase passes and we are on the threshold of mature love, it is important to take into account certain tests of love to know if there is a future or not in the relationship.

We have all predicted the failure or breakdown of a relationship other than our own at some point. This is because, with the proper perspective, things look so much clearer.  However, when the couple’s relationship is ours, we find ourselves quite blind and lost . With the following love tests, we can validate the strength of our relationship.

Love tests to validate the solidity of a couple relationship

Next, we share a series of love tests to validate the strength of a relationship

1. How is communication in the couple?

Couple looking frustrated

One of the pillars of any relationship is communication. However, even today, there is a significant lack of interaction between its members. This is one of the most important love tests. Well, without communication, there is no trust. We are talking about honest communication, not communication based on the following examples:

  • We say “yes” to things that, at the precise moment, the answer will be a “no”. For example, having a child, getting married, opening a relationship …
  • We have desire for other people and we may even be unfaithful if given the opportunity, but these wishes are not communicated to our partner.
  • One of the members of the relationship expects the other to change certain attitudes, although this does not show it to him: he hopes that he will realize it alone (read his mind).

These are just a few examples that show a great lack of communication and that, when it comes down to it, can cause many conflicts and problems. We do not have to be afraid to communicate with our partner. However, this is normal, as our reference models have always been lacking in this regard.

2. The importance of details

Couple being picky at breakfast

Another of the love tests that we can do to our own relationship is related to the details. We are not referring to material details, but rather of another kind. It is true that there are people who find it difficult to show their love in public. They cut themselves when kissing, hugging, or even giving your partner a caress.

However, a look that says it all, a call unexpectedly on a break from work to tell your partner how much you think about it, a rogue message, bring to making buying those chocolates or that flower you like so much …  There many details that show the love we have for the other person. Without those details, the magic is lost, love is not watered and, in the end, it ends up withering.

A relationship does not require much effort but, sometimes, the “accommodation” and the fact of not having to conquer our partner because we already “have” it makes us forget about the small details. In reality, the couple is conquered every day. Because we have nothing insured. Because relationships must be cared for and, among them, there is also the relationship.

3. The acid test: he cares about you

Couple leaning

This is the last of the love tests that we are going to talk about, but it is not about asking about how work has been or how the children are. It is about asking about how the couple is feeling. When we really love someone, we care about their emotions. We want that person to be well and, if he is not, to give him our ears to listen to him and that, at least, he can vent.

However, at times, we become selfish and are so on top of our own things that we forget to care about our own partner. We fall into banal work conversations, everyday issues, routines, family … But what about feelings?

Tests of love in the couple: final comments

Relationships are not solid just because there is love. Love cannot with everything, it is a feeling that must be taken care of with communication, listening, understanding, concern, sincerity and paying attention to the small details. All this is worth it to build a solid foundation and, therefore, a healthy relationship.

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