Is It Better To Sleep In Socks?

Apparently, sleeping in socks could help you fall asleep and get a better rest. This is basically due to a temperature issue. Here we tell you everything you need to know about it.

Oddly enough, it is believed that sleeping in socks could contribute to falling asleep and maintaining sleep, as wearing this garment helps regulate body temperature. This, being hot, sends a signal to the brain that tells it that it is time to rest.

There are people who like to have their feet protected, regardless of the time of year. However, there are others who, even in winter, conceive of using an extra garment or blanket to warm the body and achieve a good night’s rest.

Whichever group you are, surely you don’t want to be left with the doubt: is it better to sleep with socks, or without them? In this article we will tell you about it.

Is it better to sleep in socks?

There are many ways to get comfortable at bedtime. While some choose to wear warm pajamas, there are those who prefer to put more blankets on the bed. On the other hand, some people choose to turn the heating higher so that they are not so wrapped up.

Something similar happens with the use of socks: basically, it is a matter of taste. But apparently, if you want to fall asleep and sleep better, good socks might help. 

According to a National Sleep Foundation publication , warming your feet before going to bed gives your brain a clear signal that it’s time to sleep. This, due to the dilation of the blood vessels.

So, apparently, sleeping in socks would prevent changes in body temperature that could wake you up in the middle of the night or prevent you from falling asleep.

Is it better to sleep in socks?

It’s all a matter of temperatures

It goes without saying that a good night’s sleep helps boost memory, recharge batteries, and even regenerate skin. Despite this, we must accept that, at bedtime, socks do not turn out to be the favorite garment. However, to enjoy a good night’s sleep, it is important that the body temperature is balanced.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology notes that keeping your feet warm throughout the night has positive effects on sleep quality and time, as well as reducing nighttime awakenings.

If, on the other hand, the feet are cold, so is the body. Because of this, the brain has to work harder to regulate temperature. This makes it more difficult to relax, stop alertness, and consequently not be able to fall asleep.

There are other reasons why you can suffer from insomnia, such as physiological changes caused by age, fatigue from travel, exposure to extreme temperatures, not eating a balanced diet, among others.

However, wearing socks at night can be beneficial for achieving a good night’s sleep. Of course, accompanied by regular physical activity and good eating habits. 

It's all a matter of temperatures

What to take into account when choosing socks?

Although the use of socks depends on the taste and the way each person feels comfortable, it is advisable to change them before going to bed. That is, do not wear the same ones that were used throughout the day.

This is not only because they are dirty, but because they accumulate perspiration and bacteria throughout the day. Also, it is necessary to use a type of socks that do not constrict so as not to have circulation problems.

If possible, it is best to opt for cotton ones or, better yet, those specials that are used, for example, in airplanes for long trips. Do you like to wear socks to sleep?

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