Is Brown Sugar Better Than White?

In recent years , white table sugar has been replaced by other substances apparently better for health. An example is brown sugar. Over time the question arose as to whether this brown sugar is better than white.

This product is still similar to common sugar, only that it simply has a lower level of processing. It maintains almost all the properties of common table sugar and its impact on health is very similar. Therefore, it does not improve the performance of the former at all, nor is it safe for health.

The amount of fiber is slightly higher in brown sugar, although this does not immediately make it better than white. If we compare it with other foods, the amount of fiber is still negligible. On the other hand, the glycemic index and the pancreatic response to its ingestion is totally similar.

Sugar in industry

Sugar is one of the most used products in the industry. It has antimicrobial properties, which improves the preservation of food. In addition, it has the ability to improve the organoleptic properties making other foods more attractive.

However, it is a food that is related to the appearance of many complex diseases such as diabetes or cancer. In recent years, the World Health Organization -WHO- has limited its consumption to try to reduce the rate of obesity.

One of the problems with systematically adding sugar to products is the addiction it creates. When it should be a completely situational food for sports environments, it has become one of the most consumed substances among the general population.

No matter the name: it’s sugar

Currently, and after the awareness campaign that has been carried out to reduce sugar intake, we find variants with different names, but they come to be the same. Brown sugar, panela, honey, coconut sugar, are all products that in their composition have sugar as the main ingredient.

The effect at the systemic level of all these products is quite similar, and only the marketing aims to give us a different reality of them. Therefore, it is a good idea to reduce your consumption of these types of foods.

As a counterpart, it is better to increase the intake of low-glycemic carbohydrates and high-fiber foods that ensure intestinal health. It is also not a bad idea to increase the intake of essential fats, although within the framework of a normal calorie diet.

A good way to reduce your sugar intake is to use artificial sweeteners, but without overdoing it. These types of products are usually laboratory tested, although the long-term side effects are not known for all.

Fasting to repair sugar problems

One very popular strategy for losing weight and preventing the onset of diabetes is intermittent fasting. In this way we can repair -as long as we catch it in time- the insulin resistance that produces a high consumption of sugar.

Currently, the most used intermittent fasting protocol for its practicality is 16: 8. This consists of spending sixteen hours a day without eating caloric foods. During this period, the AMPK pathway of metabolism is activated, responsible for catabolic processes and energy production from fat burning.

Therefore, fasting is a good way to lose weight, since it also significantly reduces the amount of calories you eat per week. Skipping breakfast is often an effective way to do intermittent fasting. In addition, breakfast is when there is a greater possibility of including sugary, industrial or poor quality foods.

brown sugar better than white

Is brown sugar better than white ?: conclusion

For many different names that the industry tries to give to the same product, in different forms of presentation, its quality does not vary. Brown sugar is very similar to white for most purposes.

Therefore, it is a food that should not be consumed in excess. In this way we will avoid problems related to obesity or the appearance of complex diseases.

An interesting strategy can be to change the consumption of sugar for artificial sweeteners, although always in moderation. Another interesting option is to carry out an intermittent fasting protocol, skipping breakfast, which is the critical meal in terms of sugar intake.

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