How To Beat Morning Fatigue?

Logic tells us that the body gets tired after a long day in which we have had a physical and / or mental performance. However, many people experience morning exhaustion or fatigue that makes it difficult for them to get going on a daily basis.

In this case, we are not referring to occasional tiredness after a bad night or staying up late, but to when we sleep the same hours every day and yet feel fatigue.

Sometimes we even notice that we work the other way around, and that when night comes is when we have the most energy.

Some recommendations…

The first recommendation is to sleep according to the solar schedule, and not the other way around. Biorhythms are essential for the body to recover.

In fact, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, some of our most important organs such as the liver, the gallbladder or the intestine, regenerate at dawn. So if at that time we are awake or they are working, that will prevent us from having a restful sleep.

Second, therefore, it is advisable to have a light or early dinner. However, if before going to bed we are hungry, we can always eat something light.

On the other hand, it may be a good idea to make sure that the sleeping conditions are adequate. The temperature is essential for rest, but also that the room is tidy. We must disconnect all kinds of electronic devices and separate ourselves as much as possible from the plugs to avoid electromagnetic pollution. Also, we must try to be in total darkness. This is important to secrete the hormone melatothine, which requires that there be no light in the room.

Activate us in the morning

fresh fruits

In the morning, we can have a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon. Thus, we will help cleanse the body after the overnight fast.

Half an hour later, we can have breakfast. It is preferable that breakfast contains fresh fruit, whole grain (oatmeal is ideal, nutritious and energetic) and some protein (nuts, cheese, yogurt).

At first, it may be difficult for us to change habits. It is normal. However, the body will gradually get used to it and soon we will be able to see the positive results it brings us.

Other recommendations

Feeling tired from the morning may be due, as we said, to not having a good rest. In this sense, not only a good night’s rest is key to overcoming morning fatigue, we must bear in mind that a good quality of life is only possible through a balanced diet, regular physical exercise, correct hydration and healthy habits. 

However, if in spite of everything we feel constant tiredness or fatigue, it is important that we go to the doctor to be able to rule out other health problems such as chronic fatigue, depression or celiac disease.

Rest at night is essential for our well-being. It is an aspect of our health that we must also take care of. 

Image courtesy of SpentYouth / Maxx!

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