Headache: Causes And Prevention

How many times have you suffered a headache? It is one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. Here are some important information so you can know how to prevent and alleviate it.

According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), more than a third of men and more than half of women suffer from tension headaches frequently.

As a first measure, a medical consultation becomes essential in the event that this condition becomes acute or chronic, as well as when a more serious disease is suspected.

What can cause a headache?

Headache is one of the most frequent reasons for medical consultation. However, its interpretation is as varied as its causes. Among the most common headaches, two are the most prominent types:

  • On the one hand, the tension headache, caused by extracranial problems. We are talking about factors such as stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, bad posture, etc.
  • Another different issue is migraine. Also known as migraine, migraine can be inherited. Also, it occurs more often in women than in men. In most cases it is a pain located on one side of the head. However, you may also experience pulsations, nausea, vomiting, and general malaise.

Little girl with stomach ache

This problem can alert us to other diseases

A symptom is a signal sent by the body to let us know that something is wrong. Therefore, this may be a symptom of another condition, more serious or not.

In this sense, headaches accompanied by fever can be dangerous, according to specialized medical sources, which recommend contacting the doctor as soon as possible.

In the same way, the publication of the Cuban Journal of Medicine cited previously affirms that the headache that is felt from one moment to another and as the hours go by can be a symptom of a considerable condition.

Is it possible to prevent headaches?

Woman exercising

If you ever thought that it was not possible to prevent a headache, you were wrong. There are ways to prevent headaches.

Some examples are exercising regularly, sleeping the hours necessary for a good rest, using pillows that ensure a comfortable position, maintaining good posture, and wearing glasses if necessary, in accordance with medical recommendations.

On the other hand, certain popular beliefs affirm that another way to alleviate the discomfort is with natural remedies to calm the nervous system. You can try infusions of lemon balm (which according to the traditional medicine of some countries has analgesic properties) or lavender (whose relaxing and positive effects for the mood have been proven).

Generally, people who lead a healthy lifestyle have very few headache episodes. On the other hand, those who have suffered from headaches and have changed their lifestyle by exercising and getting enough sleep have improved remarkably, as confirmed by various studies.

In summary, do not forget that the best way to avoid headaches is to lead a healthy life, a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Also, do not forget that, if the headaches persist, are sudden and very intense or are accompanied by a fever, it is best to see your doctor as soon as possible.

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