Habits To Turn Dreams Into Reality

One of Walt Disney’s best known phrases is ” All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them. “

Therefore, the first step in turning a thought into something tangible is to get down to work. In this article we give you some recommendations to achieve it.

Dreams and visions: how to make them come true

No matter what your dreams are, you always have the possibility to make them come true.

Maybe you want to have your own company, travel the world, have a house with a garden … In any case, you should start as soon as possible so that they stop being “locked” in your thoughts and move on to real life.

Unlike dreams, visions are those ideas that allow us to take action.

The first are the place you want to get to and the second, the way you will get to that place.

This means that thanks to a vision you can structure a dream and turn it into something existing, not just something desired.

Having a vision about our objectives is an intermediate stage between the present (starting point) and the future (the expected result).

Between both states we can organize actions, see clearly and put everything we have at our disposal to achieve the goal: make dreams come true.

Now is the best time for a dream to be something tangible. Create that company that has been on your to-do list for decades, take that trip around the world that you have imagined so much, work to buy the house you have always wanted to live in …

Tips for turning dreams into reality

make dreams come true

No matter what your dream is: it belongs to you and you can do whatever you want with it.

If you’ve decided that before the end of the year you want to fulfill your “overdue” dreams, start as soon as you finish reading this article.

Here are some very interesting tips:

1. Determine where you are going

Are your dreams professional, spiritual, material or personal? What do you want to achieve with all your might? What do you need to make them come true?

Imagine where you want to be in 5 years and see if your current actions will lead you to achieve it. Do not forget that, although dreaming is very good, to stay motivated, at some point in life we ​​must take action.

2. View


A great way to materialize a dream is to visualize it. Believe it or not, the mind has a really wonderful power to turn things into reality.

Every day imagine what you would like to achieve and do not stay alone with that image.

Add more and more details, add feelings … as if you were really in your own company, climbing a mountain or moving to your new home.

3. Put it in writing

Many people fail not because they have no talent or money, but because they don’t plan.

Beyond imagining your dreams, it is essential that you capture them on a sheet. You can write about it in as much detail as possible or even draw a picture of your ideas.

If you are neither a writer nor a cartoonist you can at least search for images on the internet or make a chart with the main ideas.

This activity is more powerful than you think, since it allows you to channel the information.

If there is a “whirlwind” of mixed data in your head, it is more difficult for your dreams to come true. The brain needs an order to work towards your goals.

4. Prioritize


You probably have more than one dream. However, not all are equally important, or there are some that must happen first to give rise to the others.

You can make a list detailing each of them and then put a number in relation to their importance : 1 will be the first one you will work on, then you will go to 2, and so on.

Perhaps there are some that can be achieved simultaneously.

5. Determine a deadline

The time you set to make your dreams come true is crucial, as it will require an extra effort.

It is not the same to think of having a two-story house when you retire than just getting married. When determining the deadline, you must be realistic to avoid feeling disappointed in the case of not achieving it on time.

You can set intermediate goals in the short term to be closer and closer to your desires. And never forget to be flexible enough to be able to get around obstacles or any impediment that gets in your way.

6. Analyze the progress

Analyze progress

Once you have your goals set (whether final or intermediate) the next step in making your dreams come true is to monitor every step you take to reach the goal.

Identify each action and effort in relation to what you have achieved. In this way you will find the motivation that is often lacking when the processes are long or require too much work.

7. Ask for help

Being self-reliant can be wonderful, but many times we need someone’s support to make our dreams come true.

Of course, you can’t ask just anyone for help. Maybe you need to talk to people who went through the same process as you  and take their example.

Maybe you need money to take the first steps, or maybe, thanks to the support of your loved ones, your vision becomes something tangible in much less time.

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