Gallbladder Cleansing: Are Natural Remedies Recommended?

Have you ever thought about the need to purify the gallbladder? This small organ located near the liver helps us clean our intestines and improve our digestion, so it is worth knowing how we should take care of it, and how to purify it. But first, check with your doctor before deciding to take action on your own.

How do I know if my gallbladder needs to be cleaned?


The gallbladder is responsible for emulsifying fats and keeping our intestine clean, all this will help us to be in good condition, avoiding, for example, stones in this organ. We must remember that it is also here where the bile produced by the liver cells is stored, where it is then led to the duodenum to help digestion and digest food well.

So, take into account the following factors to warn that our gallbladder begins to fail:

  • Suddenly, we begin to digest  dairy foods, coffee, eggs, red meats, fatty or fried fish in general.
  • Slow digestion, belching, gas, reflux …
  • We spend days suffering from diarrhea or constipation and sometimes nausea.

Keys to purify the gallbladder

Well, first of all we have to remember that the main problem that the gallbladder will suffer is that it will become inflamed if it is intoxicated. All this will cause the bile, essential for digestion, not to be synthesized in an adequate way and not to be poured into the duodenum for digestion.

That is, if we eat poorly, if we have bad habits, all this will gradually start to store toxins and not be able to fulfill its basic functions. We recommend, after consulting your doctor, that you take note of the following advice:

1. How to prevent gallstones


Gallstones obstruct the bile duct and can cause very serious and painful inflammatory conditions. It is essential that we know how to clean it regularly to avoid these small stones.

-Artichoke infusion: it is used to eliminate toxins, cleanse the liver and better digest fats, according to a study by Professor Nuria Lorite Ayán, President of the Spanish Association of Biological Medicine (AMEBA),

  • Preparation: just cook an artichoke. We will put enough water to cover it, and we will cook it until it is very soft. Check with your doctor how often and for how long you should take it.

Infusion of dandelion. There are studies that establish that it stimulates the secretion of bile, but according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) there is little scientific evidence about its supposed positive effects on health, although it has been traditionally used for gallbladder problems.

In any case, the German Commission E recommended that, given its effect on bile secretion, and in the event of gallstones, it should only be used under medical supervision.

  • Preparation: combine a tablespoon of dandelion with water, let it boil for a while and then drink that infusion.

2. Drink two liters of water a day, myth or reality?


Although it is a very widespread idea, the supposed benefits of consuming at least two liters of water a day are not proven, as the expert Heinz Valtin of Darmouth University of Medicine assures in a 2002 study. 

It is often said that this helps us purify ourselves, eliminate toxins and facilitate the work of our organs, but the truth is that there are no scientific studies that confirm or deny it. In any case, there is also no evidence that this practice has negative effects.

If you find that it costs you a little to drink two liters of water, a good strategy is to put it in small bottles in your bag every time you leave the house. If you add a little lemon juice, it will be easier.

3. Olive oil to purify the gallbladder?

It turns out that there are various ‘information’ on the internet that advise certain foods to purify the gallbladder, among which is olive oil: in a study carried out on 11 young volunteers, the consumption of olive oil had no effect on the volume of the gallbladder. gallbladder.

Remember that, in no case, you can opt for natural remedies to replace treatment or the indications of a doctor. Do not do things on your own and go to your consultation to be prescribed what corresponds.

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