Fordyce Spots, What Do They Consist Of?

Fordyce spots are small grains 1 to 3 millimeters in diameter. They are usually white, yellow, or flesh-colored. They appear on the oral mucosa, lips, penis or scrotum, and vulva. This condition is very common, both in women and men of any age.

They usually develop as scattered bumps, although sometimes they clump together, but they are completely normal, harmless, and painless. In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about this topic to avoid confusion.

What are Fordyce spots?

As we have already mentioned, Fordyce spots are ectopic sebaceous glands. This means that they are glands found in the epidermis when their normal position is the dermis. Therefore, as the epidermis is the most superficial layer of the skin, they are visible.

Its name comes from the fact that dermatologist John Addison Fordyce was the first person to investigate them. These spots are actually ectopic sebaceous glands that are responsible for synthesizing the sebum that lubricates and protects the skin. According to research published in the journal Clinical Case Reports and Reviews , they occur in 70 to 80 percent of adults.

They are lesions that are not malignant or infectious. The person who has them tends to think that they are a sexually transmitted infection. However, these spots are not related to sex. Therefore, their only repercussion is aesthetic and they do not pose a health problem or are not transmissible.

Normally, they appear during puberty and last throughout life. The truth is that they are present from birth, but they become more visible over the years. Therefore, about 90% of cases are seen in adults. However, they tend to decline, in part, with age.

Intimate area of ​​the woman.

What symptoms do Fordyce spots produce?

Fordyce spots do not cause serious symptoms. In fact, a publication from the American Osteophatic College of Dermatology points out that these marks are usually asymptomatic, although, in some cases, they can cause itching and irritation in the areas where they appear.

This is because the spots are often mistaken for sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, it is important to know that it is not a significant pathology and to prevent this concern from embarrassing the person and influencing their sexual life.

These types of injuries can trigger anxiety problems and low self-esteem because of the places in which they appear. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor if you have any doubts. He will alleviate concerns about these stains and also help you understand that it is a purely cosmetic problem.

What are your causes?

Although there is no specific cause for the appearance of these spots, an article by the National Organization of Rare Disorders suggests that it could be due to blockage of the ducts of the apocrine glands, a type of gland found in the skin, the breast, the eyelid and the ear.

The blockage is caused by sebum, which is the fat that helps keep the skin lubricated and protected. This is produced by the sebaceous glands that are inside the hair follicles, which are in the dermis. However, in the case of Fordyce spots, the glands are located in the epidermis.

As it is not in the hair follicle, the sebum is blocked and ends up forming small bumps or spots. They are visible because they are in the epidermis, which is the most superficial layer of the skin. In fact, the explanation for their being more visible with age is that the epidermis, over the years, stretches and becomes more transparent.

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Treatment of Fordyce spots

As we already know, Fordyce spots are not a threat to health and do not need treatment. However, due to their aesthetic repercussions, there are some treatments that allow them to be eliminated. Some of them are the following:

  • CO2 method or laser surgery.
  • Photodynamic therapy. It consists of the use of a medicine called a photosensitizer and a specific type of light to remove spots and certain marks on the skin.
  • Removal with a micro-punch.
  • Bichloroacetic acid.
  • Oral isotretinoin treatment. It serves to suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands and reduce their size.

Finally, if you consider that you have Fordyce spots, the ideal is that you consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. Although, as we have mentioned on several occasions, they do not represent a danger to health, it is better to rule out any other pathology.

The specialist will be in charge of carrying out the relevant tests. In addition, depending on the result, he may suggest the appropriate treatment according to your case and if this condition negatively affects your self-esteem or your well-being.

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