Eating Guidelines If You Have A Sedentary Job

You should discover some eating guidelines if you have a sedentary job. The reason? Sedentary lifestyle is a factor that affects the appearance of diseases. However, in some trades it seems inevitable, since the person must remain seated most of the time.

Here the quality of the diet becomes important, since eating healthy and varied foods can mitigate, in a certain way, the negative effects of physical inactivity. In addition, it contributes to a balanced body weight and the prevention of health problems. Here are some strategies.

Diet for people with sedentary work: 4 key tips

Adequate nutrition can help counteract some of the effects of sedentary work. In any case, whenever possible, it is best to incorporate some physical activity into your routine. 

1. Eat little

Eating little contributes to lengthening life. The scientific literature supports this claim, especially when it comes to individuals over 40 years of age. As the years go by, the amount of nutrients that everyone needs decreases considerably.

On the other hand, it is convenient to maintain energy balance and not ingest more calories than are consumed in order not to gain weight. In this sense, it is a good idea to reduce the amount of food eaten throughout the day. With this, in addition, the risk of diseases and aging is reduced.

To carry out this task successfully you can resort to intermittent fasting. Current studies show its hormonal benefits, beyond simple weight control. Start by not eating breakfast every day, and later include a fast 24 hours a week.

Of course, remember that it is recommended that you visit the doctor or nutritionist before performing a protocol of this style to do it correctly and without risks.

Intermittent fasting

2. Increase your intake of fiber and probiotics

Another problem for people with sedentary work is that they have poor-quality intestinal transit. To correct this problem the best solution is the regular intake of fiber and probiotics. The first is found in fruits and vegetables. In the case of probiotics, the preferred option is to consume yogurt regularly.

The experts affirm that the regular consumption of fiber improves the processes of constipation and serves to prevent the appearance of gastrointestinal pathologies. It can even modulate your appetite and carbohydrate absorption, which also reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes.

3. Prioritize fresh versus processed

Processed products often contain sugars and trans fats . These types of nutrients, together with additives, are not very advisable for health. For this reason, reducing its consumption is beneficial in the medium and long term.

In addition, they are foods with a high energy value. Its habitual consumption increases the risk of suffering from obesity or being overweight. As if that were not enough, they contain substances that can be toxic over time, such as acrylamide.

All these reasons lead to discourage this type of food and replace it with fresh products that contain abundant doses of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

4. Eliminate alcohol

A glass of wine a day does not improve cardiovascular health. The ingestion of alcohol is always negative for the organism, for this reason, its consumption is discouraged.

Even more so in the case of sedentary people, as it will mean an extra caloric intake that will result in an unwanted increase in body weight. The amount of lean mass will also change due to its catabolic effects. As if it were not enough, it will promote the accumulation of liver fat and the malfunction of the body.

Suppress alcohol

Diet for sedentary people: what to remember?

In the case of people with a sedentary job, diet plays an even more important role in promoting health. For this reason, it is necessary to be careful in the choice of food for consumption.

Therefore, it is sought to ingest those products that offer a good handful of quality nutrients, to the detriment of processed foods high in sugars and additives that can be harmful.

The intermittent fasting strategy is also an effective way to reduce calories in the diet and improve body composition. The easiest way to do this is usually to withdraw breakfast, although there are other equally valid protocols that work.

If we also combine it with a certain carbohydrate restriction, the benefits on fat loss are even greater. So don’t delay in putting these tips into practice for better health.

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