Don’t Turn Your Back On The One Who Makes You Smile

How many times do you treat someone who makes you smile badly? Many times, your problems outweigh the value you can give to that person who makes you see life differently. Our advice is: don’t turn your back on him.

Do not turn your back on those who make a bad day wonderful, because their words of encouragement, their out-of-tune jokes and the nonsense they dedicate to you cause a smile to escape you.

People like that are rare. There are many more that will make you cry, those that will fill you with disappointments and even try to manipulate you. So open your eyes and appreciate who you have by your side.

Value who makes you smile


Like everyone else, the fact of not being in the present moment prevents you from appreciating what you now have. This includes people, possessions, things …

You always yearn for more, because you live giving priority to thoughts that fluctuate between the past and the future. However, this prevents you from opening your eyes to everything wonderful in your life.

Have you ever lost someone and then realized how valuable they were? Sometimes we are so foolish that we only value what we had when we lose it.

So it is important not to leave out who you know is always there for you.

That person you can call at any time and you are sure will come to your aid: who makes you smile, with whom you can share your darkest feelings. Even those that embarrass you and that you usually camouflage in front of others.

If you have such a person by your side, do not let her escape. This would be a mistake. These people do not abound and that you have someone like that in your life is a gift.

Protect it. Take care of him. Never turn your back on him.

Take care of those who give you their time

Women crying

Time is a very valuable thing, surely you know it. However, we only think about that if it is up to us to lose it. But what about all those people who give us their time?

Do not turn your back on those who sacrifice minutes of study, resting or doing something that is important to be with you when you need it most.

Those people are worth gold and sometimes we use them or we don’t treat them in the best way. Can we give you some examples?

  • Do not turn your back on that great friend just because you have become a partner and are very excited, but also blind because you are going through the infatuation phase.
  • If he doesn’t respond quickly to a message, don’t be upset. Maybe you have a problem, you are sleeping or something has come up. We all have our own responsibilities!
  • Even if you have met new friends at work, do not turn your back on that person who has been by your side for years and with whom you have great confidence. The excitement of novelty, sometimes, makes us forget who is worthwhile.

These and many more situations make us lose people who add great value to our lives. However, more times than we would like this we do not see it.

So we forget who was by our side in the most difficult and hardest moments.

Take care of that person who makes you smile


Don’t forget to take care of that person who makes you smile. Do not turn your back because you live in a society where victimhood and negativity are the bread and butter.

People often take refuge in these ways of facing life because they do not want to take responsibility for it and because they do not know how to enjoy it.

So, if you have people by your side who make you smile, take care of them.

Because true friendships must be protected.

Do not turn your back on someone who does not deserve it because you have forgotten to value what you had. Always take care of who makes you smile, who accompanies you and is by your side, whatever happens.

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