Don’t Run After Someone Who Already Knows Where You Are And Shows You Indifference

Do not run after someone who is not looking for you, who demands or wants you to go kissing the ground they walk on. Do not do it because, who really deserves you does not show you indifference, they want you by their side and not behind their back.

Remember that indifference is the best sign of “no love.”

If he can still bring you something, he will. If not, a goodbye is the best thank you can offer yourself. Interest, affection and love do not speak the same language as selfishness or indifference.

Attention is not begged, nor is it accepted in crumbs. If you do, you will be committing a great emotional injustice to yourself. Affection must be shown in balance, as it will be the foundation that establishes a healthy relationship.

Do they show indifference? Neither you are for so much nor I for so little

The indifference of others ends up generating in us the feeling that we are not worth it. We cannot afford to pay this high price.

It is easy to end up feeling something like this when signs of indifference and reluctance are constantly manifested towards ourselves, towards the exchanges we offer and towards the construction of a meaningful relationship.

It is not about belittling others, but about valuing ourselves and making our emotional needs and concerns clear and important. This will be the basic pillar that sustains strong and healthy relationships, while indifference only destroys them.

Mutual interest and sentimental reciprocity is something we should NEVER give up. We don’t even have to resign ourselves to not getting it for having been in a stable relationship for many years.

In fact, we are not only talking about individual well-being, but also that of others and relational. All three in conjunction offer us the possibility that our relationships are rewarding and fair. Only in these conditions will we be in a position to grow alongside others.

Don’t look, let them find you

Your phone number has the same digits that you are dialing day after day and that never dial for you. Think that, when someone wants, they are capable of moving heaven and earth by being by your side.

Some absences may be the consequence of vital lateness, daily hustle and bustle, and a true lack of time. However, repeated disinterest will be what makes the difference.

Dragging you and begging for insincere affection is not healthy in the short or long term. You may be touched by certain samples. However, the scale is really unbalanced and you should look closely at those reasons that continue to keep you anchored in this relationship.

If you really feel the emotional injustice, it probably doesn’t pay you to be submitting to a relationship that is causing you great suffering. You must never become a puppet of the needs of others or their cravings.

You must assert yourself and be clear about what you deserve. You have the right to be called and to have your calls answered. You can allow yourself not to miss someone who does not look for you. You can allow yourself not to submit to the punishment of indifference.

In fact, you must begin to value yourself and love yourself well. Miracles do not happen and, as we have said, love must be demonstrated and felt, but never implored. Your affection should be for those who love you, accept you and understand you without judgment or demands.

Give your absence to someone who gives you indifference and does not value your presence

It is common that we do not value what we have and that we neglect and miss opportunities to relate to our loved ones. However,  continued indifference has other overtones and we can see selfishness and excessive disinterest in its reflection.

This neglect typical of indifference is sometimes filled with contempt, which generates very painful situations that deteriorate the vision we have of ourselves and our relationships with others.

In these cases in which the consequence of indifference results in the loss of our self-esteem and our emotional health, we must learn to give away our absence, because our presence is not being valued.

Rate yourself first

Woman hugging

You must not resign yourself to feeling undervalued and neglected. In the end, if you do, you will end up “believing” that you are not worthy of company or reciprocity. Instead, you must always keep in mind that in order to be valued, you must do it first.

So the first step to taking care of the image you have of yourself is to assert yourself and emphasize that the indifference of that person should serve to reaffirm everything that will cement your self-love and personal growth.

Don’t forget to smile in the mirror, love yourself and value yourself for who you are and not for what others want to project onto you. Love yourself and realize that just because someone neglects you does not mean that you should resign yourself.

Always surround yourself with those people who love you in their life, because those who do not love you will surely make you suffer.

It does not do you good to give without receiving. With this, you will be mortgaging years of a life that has no return ticket and that you cannot afford. Never.

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