Do You Have Warts On Your Skin? Combat Them Naturally With These 5 Remedies

Warts on the skin are a problem that goes beyond aesthetics. Although they affect beauty, their appearance indicates a weakening of the immune system.

These small bumps of skin, rough in texture, are caused by one of the subtypes of the human papillomavirus (HPV) that, by not being stopped by antibodies, manages to attack the body.

Its presence stimulates the abnormal growth of skin cells and, although it is benign, it becomes an annoying and contagious problem.

Because of this, it is important to provide care, applying treatments that fight the virus and reduce the appearance of the lump.

Fortunately, to avoid having to spend on expensive commercial products, there are remedies of natural origin whose application works well.

In the following space we share the 5 best ones so that you do not hesitate to use them when you face this problem.

Take aim!

1. Garlic and lemon


By combining the antiviral action of garlic with the natural acids of lemon juice we can obtain a treatment to facilitate the removal of warts.

These ingredients remove dead skin cells and, in turn, prevent the virus from spreading further.


  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (10 ml)


  • First, cut a clove of garlic and crush it into a paste.
  • Then, mix it with the lemon juice and proceed to use it.

Application mode

  • First, rub the treatment on the warts and let it work for 30 to 40 minutes.
  • Then rinse and repeat its application every day until the infection is cured.

2. Onion and honey

The onion contains sulfur compounds that facilitate the removal of unsightly warts that form on the skin.

In this case, we combine it with the antibiotic and moisturizing action of honey to obtain a more effective treatment.


  • ½ onion
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


  • First, cut the onion and pour it into the blender with the honey.
  • Then, process both ingredients for a few moments, until you get a thick juice.

Application mode

  • First, rub the product on the warts with the help of a piece of cotton.
  • Then leave it to act for 30 minutes and rinse.
  • Finally, repeat its use 2 times a day, every day.

3. Aloe vera and apple cider vinegar

aloe vera

The active compounds in aloe vera gel have antiviral and antibiotic properties that help control the action of the virus that causes these blemishes.

Its mixture with the acids of apple cider vinegar make it easier for us to reduce the size of those small rough lumps that make the skin look bad.


  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 ml)


  • Simply add the aloe vera gel to a bowl and mix it with the apple cider vinegar.

Application mode

  • First, rub the product on the warts and leave it to act without rinsing.
  • Then repeat its use 2 times a day, every day.

4. Baking soda and coconut oil

One of the interesting uses of the natural bicarbonate and coconut oil scrub is to aid in the removal of pesky warts.

These ingredients have exfoliating and antiviral properties that  help restore skin health.

Its regular application slows down the appearance of this problem and, incidentally, promotes healing.


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil (15 g)


  • Simply combine the ingredients in a bowl until you get a creamy paste.

Application mode

  • Rub the scrub over the warts first, massaging it in to help remove dead skin.
  • Then, let it act for 30 minutes, rinse and repeat its use every day.

5. Aspirin and plain yogurt

Aspirin and lemon mask

Aspirin contains a substance known as salicylic acid that, after assimilating into the skin, helps reduce the formation of warts.

These properties combine with the lactic acid in yogurt, providing an ideal treatment to cleanse the skin and regulate pH.


  • 3 aspirin
  • 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt (40 g)


  • Just crush the aspirin into a powder and, in a bowl, mix it with the plain yogurt.

Application mode

  • First, apply the creamy paste on the warts and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Then rinse with warm water and repeat its use every day.

    Do you have these blemishes on your skin? Although they cannot be eliminated overnight, the continuous application of these remedies can help to eliminate them.

    Try the one that catches your eye the most and discover how good they are at restoring a healthy appearance to the skin. In any case, consult your doctor. 

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