Discover 5 Words That Heal: Do We Put Them Into Practice?

There are beliefs according to which there are words that heal. There are no formal studies that give basis or support to this postulate, but even so the techniques of suggestion through the word continue to be applied throughout the world and have given rise to a large amount of literature.

A New York Times article reviews a study in which positive puns appear to increase longevity. On the other hand, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and similar techniques appear within the list of “discredited therapies” in the Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice . Likewise, prestigious neuroscientists such as Sergio Della Sala and Barry Beyerstein have classified these practices as “pseudoscience”.

Be that as it may, the belief that there are words that heal could exert an autosuggestion similar to that of the placebo effect or prayers. If a person feels that they help them find strength on a day-to-day basis, they could work.

Remember that if you have a physical health problem or you think you need psychological help, the best thing to do is go to a professional to evaluate your condition and guide you in this regard.

1. I’m fine

words that heal: I'm fine

It may seem contradictory to you. How am I going to tell myself that “I’m fine” if it’s not true? How do I express something positive when, in reality, I am feeling frustrated, stressed or hurt? Well, we need to add a “I’m fine” to that “and I’m going to deal with it .

Some think these are words that heal, but there is no corroborating evidence. What can happen is that these phrases help to change the perspective and thereby achieve a better disposition to solve problems.

  • Positive thoughts are motivating on a day-to-day basis. Positive thinking is not to deny the problems or ignore the difficulties. It is simply an approach that generates more motivation and energy.
    • If only the negative aspect is appreciated and this is accompanied by phrases such as how bad I am”, “they are making my life impossible” or similar, the only thing that is achieved is to increase the anguish. So it is better to take a breath and take hold of the words that heal, according to this belief; that is to say: “I’m fine”, and “I’m going to face it.”
    • Do the test. Say out loud a firm “I’m fine.” Do it with conviction and energy. It is possible that you feel greater inner strength and that this gives you the necessary push to solve some problems. What surrounds you may not be right, but you already have a better disposition to face these difficulties. Do you try?

    2. I’m going to be able to do this


    Those who practice this type of belief point out that the pronoun “I” should always be prepended when saying this phrase. This helps to remember that you are the protagonist of your life. That it is you who must take charge of the problems.

    If you don’t find the motivation in yourself , no one is going to do it for you. No one is going to help you better than yourself.

    It is important not to focus on limitations or go to pretexts : “I am not going to be able to do this because it is too late to change things”; “There are people more qualified than me: why take the risk?”….

    It is important that you do not fall into these defeatist thoughts. Look in the mirror and convince yourself that you are going to be able to do this and with everything. The “I can” is one of those words that heal and that we should all put into practice every day, according to those who believe in these practices.

    3. Words that heal: I deserve it

    talk 2

    Why not? Why don’t you deserve a few hours a day for yourself, to enjoy your things, your hobbies and privacy? It is possible that you are one of those people who does everything for others, who prioritizes the needs of others and you forget about yours.

    Be careful, because you can reach the limit of your strength and discover that before doing something for others, you must do it for yourself. Only those who are well can do something for others.

    It is best to establish a healthy balance . Take care of others, take care of them, but also let them take care of you, recognize you and prioritize you from time to time. Why not? Every time you do something for yourself, remember to say “I deserve it,” because I do.

    4. Everything happens


    You may have a problem right now that is haunting you, stressing you out, and perhaps starting to make you sick. You may feel more tired and have negative thoughts that invade your head …

    Perhaps it is good that you stop for a moment to think. Breathe, sit down. It is important that you think that everything passes, that life flows and that nothing remains forever.

    The more you get attached to problems , the more you suffer. If you are concerned about your relationship, speak up. If something is wrong at work, try to fix it, but don’t “put it away.” Do not keep things eternally inside you.

    Life runs very fast and the most important thing is to become aware of the here and now, understanding that nothing is permanent. So, put things down and relax a bit. Some think that you should repeat to yourself these simple words that heal: “Everything passes, everything passes.”

    5. Love!


    Love heals, envelops, protects and, at the same time, liberates. In fact, research from several American universities indicates that loving feelings strengthen the immune system.

    However, when using the word “love” as a means not so much to cure, but to prevent diseases, it is not only about love for others, but also love for oneself.

    Strengthening your self-esteem pushes you to find everyday happiness and well-being. Love your body, love your way of being, your character, your personality.

    When you have a problem, become aware that you are a capable and valid person to find solutions. Trust yourself because you love yourself, because you know yourself and you know that you have great virtues. Never forget the word “love” in your day to day.


    If you are unable to feel comfortable with yourself, or are unable to effectively resolve your problems, it is best to seek support and guidance from a mental health professional. It is surely an excellent decision in times of difficulty.

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