Delicious Salad To Deflate The Abdomen And Purify The Body

A salad to deflate the abdomen is an extremely versatile dish that we can prepare and consume at any time of the day and even in those cases in which we feel a heavy stomach.

While it is true that eating a salad, in a timely manner, is not going to make us lose weight magically or that we can re-fasten jeans without problems overnight, it can help us to supplement the diet in a healthier way, in such a way that we do not become so inflamed.

Here we will share a delicious recipe, which can inspire you to create your own salad to deflate the abdomen, but first, let’s review some recommendations. Go for it!

Recommendations to reduce inflammation of the abdomen

Woman with hand on abdomen.

If we have a tendency to suffer abdominal bloating, it would be recommended that we review our habits and make the pertinent corrections. These can include the following:

  • Eat fresh foods rich in fiber and water. Like fruits, vegetables and greens.
  • Reduce the consumption of salt and substances that can promote inflammation, such as saturated fats that come from junk food, fried foods and the like.
  • Also reduce the consumption of industrial foods, as these also promote fluid retention.
  • On the other hand, you have to avoid consuming pastries and sweets. 
  • Walk about 30 minutes a day, to promote intestinal transit.

In addition to all this, we can consider including healthy meals and preparations in our diet, such as salad to deflate the abdomen,

What ingredients to choose for the salad?

Ingredients that are rich in water will greatly help deflate the abdomen, as they will contribute to the elimination of retained fluids through urine. On the other hand, the water and fiber they contain will help promote intestinal transit.

There are many vegetables to choose from, but which ones would be the best if you want to prepare a salad to deflate the abdomen?

Cucumber is a good option, but you can also choose other foods, such as: lettuce, celery, asparagus, red pepper, avocado, among others.

To give it a touch of different, fruity and pleasant flavor, you can choose a series of fruits rich in water: pineapple, pomegranate, orange, tomatoes, kiwi, among others.

The great thing about fruits is that they not only contain water and fiber, but also various nutrients that support health, such as potassium, for example.

Other ingredients that can be incorporated into salads are parsley, nuts (not salted, fried, or toasted, but simply natural), tofu, feta cheese or other low-salt varieties.

Salad recipe to deflate the abdomen

A good recipe to eat healthy, satisfy the appetite and at the same time deflate the abdomen is the next one that we are going to share with you. Keep in mind that it is simply a starter, complement or side dish. Not a main meal as such.

Ingredients for 2 people

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 avocado
  • 12 cherry tomatoes.
  • ½ red or purple onion.
  • Black pepper (to taste)
  • 1 handful of chopped parsley.
  • Feta cheese cubes (to taste).
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (30 g).
  • 3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar (30 g).


  • First we will wash all the ingredients. Then we peel the cucumber and cut it into slices together with the onion and parsley.
  • If we wish, we can open the cherry tomatoes in half. In this way they will take on the flavor of the dressing more and are tastier.
  • Now we will peel the avocado, remove the central seed and cut it into pieces.
  • Then we will put the tomatoes, onions, cucumber and parsley in each bowl for our salad, mixing it well. Next, we will include the dressing, that is, the vinegar and the oil.
  • To prevent them from breaking, we will add the avocado and the feta cheese cubes.
  • Finally, we will sprinkle the amount of pepper we want on the salad and mix.
  • We serve the salad to deflate the abdomen and we begin to enjoy it. Bon appetit!

Woman eating a salad

Salad should not be our only source of food

The salad to deflate the abdomen that we prepare should never replace a main meal. In any case, it can complement it. We should never base our diet only on salads, as this can lead to nutritional deficits and other health problems.

We can vary the ingredients, according to our preferences. The important thing is to keep a good balance. On the other hand, we should not overdo the use of salt when dressing, as this will prevent us from being able to reduce inflammation of the abdomen. Instead of salt, we can opt for aromatic herbs and salt-free dressings.

In case we want to lose weight or we want to achieve a goal, it is best to consult with the doctor and follow their instructions. We can also consult with a nutritionist.

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