Be Friends With Your Ex? We Will Solve Your Doubts!

Depending on how the relationship ends, some people decide to continue as friends. However, this is not always a good idea, especially if one of the two is still in love. Have you ever wondered if you can be friends with your ex? So, we recommend that you read this article.

Being friends with your ex: will it work?

6 discussions every happy couple has

To end a relationship we use ‘hackneyed’ phrases and one of them is usually: “we can continue to be friends” as a way of not letting go of the other’s company so easily or because we feel guilty for abandoning them.

It is a bit difficult to think that from now on, that person with whom you have shared so many things will go from being your partner to being your friend. Above all, if you ‘force’ yourself to call him, ask how he’s doing, meet up for an afternoon …

Many times, we give each other hope that everything can return to normal (that is, being in a relationship again) when in reality what we do is cling to someone just out of habit.

That’s right, since people are ‘usual animals’ and we cannot conceive of changes without first fighting against them. Therefore, when we stop dating someone, we try by all means to keep them close to us, even if the way we call them changes.

Wanting to be friends with your ex, perhaps, is the perfect excuse to continue seeing him.  And, in the event that he has decided to end the relationship, so that he realizes how wrong he has been.

Being friends with your ex: what does it include?

Be kind to choose a partner

Speaking in practical terms, and as if it were a contract, you should know what you are sticking to when you decide to be friends with your ex.

You should see him with other women

Hearing her dating stories, telling her about your relationships with other men … If you’re up to all of this, then be friends!

But if just by thinking about that situation you feel anger, frustration and jealousy, it means that you are not ready for a friendship of these characteristics.

From the beginning they have to make things very clear. S er friends ‘real’ includes a commitment, responsibilities and duties that maybe they are not willing to comply.

When we talk about being friends with our ex-partners, we must know that three situations can arise: the first is ‘simply’ getting along (for example, when there are children in common).

Becoming ‘friends with rights’

That they only see each other on weekends for sex. The one who has the choice is yourself and even regret your decision if you realize that it was not the right one.

Perhaps, today you say that being friends with your ex has no repercussions on an emotional level because he is now single. But how would you react when he tells you that he has met someone? Or in what way do you think you could tell him that you have a date with someone else?

It is in these situations that we realize that it is always better to leave exes in the past, keep good memories of them and put our focus on new people. Except, of course, that you really feel nothing but happiness when he tells you that he will marry or have a child with someone else.

Being friends with your ex should come naturally

Friends Representing Infatuation For Best Friend

We cannot force relationships of any kind. That is a reality. So if you just broke up with your partner, maybe you should wait a while to determine whether or not you can be friends.

All feelings are on the surface after a breakup, our judgment can be altered and we may make wrong decisions.

You can feel alone, lost without their presence, unhappy about your sentimental state and that leads you to think about being friends with your ex. But you should know that there are a thousand and one ways to experience fulfillment and happiness that do not include him.

Maintaining a friendly relationship with your ex is anchoring yourself to the past, not moving forward, not looking to the future. It is being stranded in a port with a ship that does not work instead of getting on another new boat and sailing new seas.

If we naturally turn love into friendship, then we will know that we have not been wrong. But if we try to hold on to someone (or their memory) and demand of ourselves not to suffer for being friends with our ex-partners, then it is not ‘a good deal’ and we will end up having a fatal time.

When time has healed all the wounds, both have happy and healthy partners and for some reason, life will find them again. So maybe (and just maybe) they can be true friends: no hard feelings, no bad memories, and no pain.

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