Benefits Of Exercising 30 Minutes A Day

Maintaining an active lifestyle helps us stay healthy and strong, regardless of gender or age. Hence, we dedicate this article to review the benefits of exercising 30 minutes a day.

Before we get down to it, we must distinguish between exercise and physical activity. To do this, we will refer to the information provided by experts from the World Health Organization (WHO).

As we mentioned at the beginning, a daily exercise routine has multiple benefits. This activity affects each of the body’s organs. As for the heart, the blood circulates better.

In this way, oxygen, which is essential for metabolism, can reach all corners of the body.  Precisely for this reason, regular physical exercise helps prevent heart disease.

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2. Counteracts high blood pressure and diabetes

Especially benefited by physical exercise, could be people who suffer from hypertension. Of course, to perform even the most moderate routine, you must have the approval of the doctor who has followed the patient’s progress.

As the scientific literature indicates , the benefits of the regular practice of physical exercises are always enhanced if they are accompanied by a healthy diet. Although always under the assessment of a physician, some patients have even abandoned the medication. Such are the advantages of leading an active life and eliminating bad eating habits.

Likewise, physical activity, by promoting metabolism, also regulates blood glucose levels. Hence the importance of physical exercise for patients suffering from diabetes. Combined with a balanced diet, it can only be a source of well-being for people who see their quality of life diminished.

3. It increases self-esteem

Exercise acts as an antidepressant, thus improving mood. By extension, it increases self-esteem; that is to say, the necessary love towards ourselves. It is a fact that when we feel vital from the physical point of view, we are also vital to face life in general.

4. Improves the quality of sleep

Regular exercise also affects your ability to relax and sleep better. In fact, research suggests that 150 minutes of vigorous exercise a week can improve sleep quality by up to 65%.

Also, the energy depletion produced by exercise helps to stimulate recovery processes during sleep. In general, it could reduce insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Other benefits

Physical exercises are not only beneficial for sick people, but for adults in general, because:

  • It is a fact that they help delay bone degeneration, which could lead to osteoporosis.
  • They also help prevent cancer; especially colon, breast and prostate cancer. It is worth saying, those that currently have the most prevalence in the world population.
  • It boosts brain capacities by making blood circulation more efficient. Hence, when you practice them, you are more willing, focused and creative.

Experts recommend a 30-minute physical activity at least 4 times a week.  Now that you know first-hand the benefits of regular physical exercise, what are you waiting for? Make up your mind and get started.

Tips to keep in mind when exercising

woman stretching before exercising

  • Remember to go little by little. It could happen that at first it costs you to complete the 30 minutes of routine. In that case, it is advisable not to force the body. Rather, watch your body’s signals and respect them. Stop if, for example, you feel very fatigued. Once your breath is back, go back to the routine. And so, little by little.
  • Never forget to hydrate yourself well. It is extremely necessary to replace the liquid that we lose through sweating that accompanies physical exercise.
  • Performing warm-up exercises will also prevent muscle and joint injury. Anticipating these types of setbacks, you make sure you are in a position to continue with your exercise routine.
  • Special mention should be made of the need for people with hypertension to keep a record of their blood pressure. To do this, it must be taken before and after practicing exercises. Thus, we will avoid any inconvenience.

Keep in mind that while we exercise, blood pressure tends to rise, although it later normalizes. However, it is not advisable to start exercising if the pressure is high. In that case, it is better to wait for it to normalize. However, when in doubt, it is always best to ask a health professional for advice.

Thanks to physical exercise, your whole body will benefit. You will feel better about yourself. Not only will you have more energy, but your body will become slimmer and more harmonious. Go ahead and start now.

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