The Importance Of Rest: Not Everything Is Work

Work is a very important part of our life. We dedicate many hours to him throughout the week. However, we tend to underestimate the importance of rest in our daily lives. Here we show you why rest is essential for your health and your quality of life.

Work and rest

We work non-stop. Many times, even on Saturdays and Sundays, we continue with our minds occupied with work.

We do not realize that all that stress that we suffer and that causes that hair loss or that dermatitis is the product of a lack of rest. Now, we are talking about a quality rest, to get away from work altogether and enjoy life a little. This is very necessary.

Rest increases our productivity

We may believe that not getting enough rest will make us more productive. However, this is not true. What usually happens when we do not rest and we are so absorbed in our work that we do not allow ourselves even a moment of relaxation is that we lose time.

Have you ever noticed that you worked slower? Have you noticed that the ideas were not flowing and that your motivation was on the ground? All this is a product of the lack of a good rest. This causes us a loss of energy that often makes us procrastinate without realizing it.

The importance of rest

Lack of rest decreases productivity

In fact, this has been scientifically proven in studies such as the one carried out by a research team from the Malaysian University of Technology. In this study, the impact of lack of rest on fatigue and work productivity was examined in 4188 employees in Malaysian corporations.

From observing their productivity, their fatigue and their rest, in the study it was observed that rest problems contribute to reducing the productivity of the workforce, which generates a high cost for companies.

In addition, the importance of a good rest is that it will allow us to completely disconnect to enjoy other areas of our life. These can be spending time with ourselves, with our family, enjoying one of our hobbies, taking a little excursion, etc.

  • All this will help us to get away from work and not think about it until it is Monday again.
  • Believe it or not, our minds will clear, stress will dissipate and we will recharge our energies so that we can return to work with more enthusiasm.

When we have rested and allowed our minds to clear, our productivity increases. Likewise, it also favors our motivation.

If we find ourselves lacking in energy, we will feel that everything costs us much more than usual. This will affect our performance.

The importance of rest for the self-employed

We will make a special mention of the importance of rest for the self-employed. They set their own hours, and today many work from their own home as freelancers . In these cases, you also have to know how to differentiate between work and rest.

The importance of rest

The problem with freelancers is that, sometimes, they stay up late working. Sometimes they work on weekends too and all this prevents them from enjoying that long-awaited break. If a freelancer works from home, the situation gets a bit more complicated.

  • Working from home sometimes shifts our attention to other tasks.
  • This increases the chances of procrastinating and that we have to work on weekends to make up for the lack of productivity throughout the week.

This is nothing positive.

Read also: The importance of rest: not everything is work

The benefits of resting

Now that we have a little more knowledge about the importance of rest, let’s see what benefits it brings us to do so. Because do we work to live or do we live to work?

It is normal that, if we like our work, we dedicate hours and time to it. But you have to balance it by paying attention to other areas.

  • It allows us to cultivate our relationships interpersonal, whether family or friends. A very important part of our life that makes us feel loved, accompanied and listened to.
  • It helps reduce the stress that we usually have and that, over time, can end up becoming a chronic stress. Practicing mindfulness and spending time helps a lot to rest the mind.
  • It allows us to live life. If we work to earn money but we do not enjoy life this is not worth it. Going on a trip, pampering yourself, going to the amusement park … All this is necessary, because not everything is work.

Sometimes, we don’t allow ourselves those moments for ourselves or to dedicate to the people we love. We focus so much on what makes us money that we forget what is really important. It is time to shift the focus to what really matters.

Girl ready to enjoy life

It is also the time to stop underestimating the importance of rest. And the moment to start giving us those relaxing moments that we deserve so much.

There are other areas of our life that need quality time, care, and attention. If we do not provide it, tomorrow we may find ourselves in a great void. And you? Do you allow yourself to rest?

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