4 Parts Of The Body That You Should Not Touch With Your Hands

Many times we do it without realizing it, but we should pay attention and try to avoid touching certain areas of the body with our hands, since we could transfer bacteria from one place to another

Surely during your childhood your mother took great pains to instill the habit of personal hygiene, hand washing being one of the most important.   This is because Throughout the day we touch all kinds of things that are full of bacteria.

If you don’t maintain proper hygiene, those bacteria that accumulate on your hands can easily compromise your health when you’re not careful.

What are the parts of the body that you should not touch with your hands? What if you do? Keep reading, we will tell you here.

Why is it important that you wash your hands?

October 15 was declared by UNICEF as International Handwashing Day. This initiative was launched  in order to create awareness of the importance of doing so.

This organism highlighted that there are many diseases transmitted by touching some areas of the body with the hands without proper hygiene.

It is clear that the intimate area is a sensitive place and it is important that, before touching it with your hands, you make sure to maintain hygiene. The risk of touching this area with dirty hands is that germs can cause an infection.

Already for herself, This area is humid and full of its own ecosystem that in contact with other bacteria can cause serious problems.  A very common mistake women make is trying to wash this area with soap, water, and shampoos. vaginal .

We recommend limiting the use of soap and water to a minimum and avoiding vaginal shampoos altogether.

3. The ears

You should not touch your ears, or scratch them with your nails. Both of these actions can cause internal injuries that, over time, can lead to infections.   First of all, remember that the ear has wax , which serves to prevent the passage of bacteria.

Therefore, you shouldn’t try to remove all that wax. In case you feel that you have too much, go to an otolaryngologist, who is the one who will be able to assess your case.  It will help you remove excess wax without problems and with the safest and most hygienic methods.

You are interested: 5 natural products to clean the ears

4. The face

Avoid touching your face with your hands. We know that it is something that is almost always done involuntarily, but you must learn to avoid it as much as possible.  The reasons for this recommendation are very varied. The first of these is that, by touching the area, you are bringing waste from your hands to the skin of your face. touch your face

If you don’t maintain proper hygiene, the pores on your skin can easily become clogged. This causes the annoying pimples, blackheads and red areas on the skin.  The only time you should touch your face with your hands is when you go to wash it and before you have previously washed your hands.

As can be seen, touching different areas of the body with the hands can cause problems ranging from mild to serious.   Take note and avoid them as much as possible.

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