Accept The Changes. There Is Always Something Wonderful To Learn

Changes are part of nature. Life is made up of cycles, phases and stages, and the human being must also be part of this vital movement. Change is synonymous with growth: something we should not be afraid of.

Now, how to do it? How to assume, for example, the loss of youth? Or how to accept the loss of a job? Such a variation can bring uncertainty and a period of crisis.

However, if we focus our reality in a suitable way, we can “reinvent ourselves”, or even discover unexpected aspects that bring us new illusions. We invite you to reflect on it.

Changes that hurt, changes that enrich us

We could start by talking about what is called “normative life crises.” These are personal moments that we have all experienced almost obligatorily: a change of school, adolescence, the first emotional disappointment, the loss of a loved one …

Something that we must be clear about is that not all people face changes in the same way. Hence, the same advice and the same strategies do not serve us.

In addition to normative life crises, we can also experience physical and personal changes. In all there are moments of difficulty. We just have to think about these situations:

  • Going through a difficult time due to stress or a specific illness, and seeing how we gain or lose weight almost without realizing it. Research published by Psychology and Health details that even a family member’s illness can greatly modify a person’s life.
  • Facing menopause and those physical and organic changes that it entails is something that also brings great suffering for many women, as detailed in a study carried out in Colombia in 2016.
  • Pregnancies: seeing how children grow and how they are increasingly independent also means assuming new roles, other ways of facing life.

There are changes that hurt, there are no doubts, but we must bear in mind that, in turn, any moment of personal crisis is an opportunity to change and improve as people. In this way, they help us to be more skilled, wiser and find a greater personal balance.

Why are there people who cope better with changes

Surely in your closest social context you know someone who, for example, has overcome their separation in a very positive way, normally. There are those who, in the face of very hard diseases, always give lessons thanks to their optimism, to a vital force that does not know where it springs from.

There are personalities that the most complex and harsh unforeseen events make them come out strengthened in a wonderful way. How do they do that? Here we tell you about some possible keys.

Acceptance and struggle

Never resist change ; it is a useless form of suffering that we must avoid. Acceptance is the first step in the subsequent struggle to “rebuild”, to continue advancing on the path of life.

  • If someone doesn’t love you, accept it. Do not hold on to something that cannot be.
  • If you’ve been fired from your job, accept it and keep fighting. Perhaps it was an opportunity to find a better way.
  • If you see that your physical appearance is changing due to maturity, accept the passage of time. Fight every day to take care of yourself and look good, as you wish.

Change is a time for opportunity

You may have had to leave behind something that defined you, something that until not long ago made you happy. Far from fearing loneliness or the uncertainty that change causes, face it as an opportunity.

  • We know that it is not easy to carry it out. However, if you are clear that the purpose of life is to be happy, you will understand that it is necessary to look for new doors, new opportunities.
  • Personal confidence, good self-esteem, and your own determination to smile again will remind you that “there are still many trains to ride.”

Life forces us to turn pages, but also to change books

Let’s take an example: you have been helping your family for a long time, giving everything for them. However, no matter how much you do, they never come to recognize it ; they take for granted that “that’s your role.”

You have tried everything to be valued, to be taken into account, but all you get is your own frustration. Maybe it’s time to turn the page? Perhaps what you should do is something more radical: change the book, change your life.


Sometimes small changes, far from bringing happiness, leave you in the same sadness. Therefore, it will be necessary to initiate great changes. Now, it is also clear that these “big changes” require a lot of courage, personal decision and enough self-esteem to finally get out of the comfort zone.

Don’t be afraid of changes

The life cycle is full of variations, and this, far from giving us fear, should motivate us, should force us to be part of that harmonic movement that is to grow, mature, love, create bonds. Build, after all, your own happiness.

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