7 Tips To Use Essential Oils At Home Every Day

Essential oils are natural products, used for therapeutic purposes. They are obtained from the roots, seeds, flowers and bark of plants. In the home, they can be used in multiple ways, either to create more relaxing, balanced or pleasant spaces or to enhance creativity or good mood.

In addition, many people turn to its properties and delicious aroma to clean and purify the environment. In this article, we give you 7 tips to get all its benefits in a simple way and use them at home every day. Some will surprise you!

7 tips for using essential oils at home

Many people turn to the benefits of essential oils to relieve certain ailments or lift their spirits. While some tend to apply it to the skin, others prefer to take advantage of its pleasant aroma and dilute it with water in a diffuser. Here are some recommendations for daily use at home.

1. Aromatic diffuser

The simplest and most common way to use essential oils is to place an electric aromatic diffuser at home. They come in different types, sizes and designs. There are some that work by heating the water and others by ultrasonic vibrations that create a kind of cool mist around the appliance.

If we leave the doors of the rooms open, these diffusers usually cover a lot of space in the house. We will only have to dilute 4 to 5 drops of the oils we want in a little water, and turn on the diffuser to enjoy the pleasant aroma.

2. Instant spray

This is another very simple and inexpensive option to instantly spread essential oils in a room. It consists of reusing a spray bottle to introduce the chosen essential oil and dilute it in a little water. 

We will only have to shake the boat and impregnate the places we want when we need it. It is an ideal method to combine it with other more durable ones, so that we can enhance the smell of the fragrance when visitors come or at certain times.

3. Rattan or bamboo rods

Rattan or bamboo sticks - essential oils

One of the most common scent diffusers in homes are rattan or bamboo rods that, in addition to gently and gradually scenting the house, are also a beautiful and elegant decorative element. The advantage is that we do not need electricity and we can renew the rods ourselves, as long as we see that they are saturated.

We recommend avoiding the synthetic fragrances that they sell already prepared, and of which we do not usually know the ingredients, and choose essential oils diluted in some vegetable oil, such as almond oil.

4. Essential oils on the pillow

If we have problems falling asleep or we usually get up during the night, essential oils can be a good option to improve this problem. This, because they have adequate therapeutic properties to treat some mild health disorders, such as insomnia.

In this case, according to an article by Start Sleeping , it is recommended to opt for essential oils such as lavender, chamomile or jasmine. We can impregnate a handkerchief with a few drops of the oil just before going to bed and place it next to our pillow. In this way, we will breathe in the aroma throughout the night.

5. Scented bulbs

This trick to aromatize the rooms is another simple and different option, since it consists of applying a few drops of essential oils in a light bulb while it is off. In this way, when you turn it on, it will give off the smell as it heats up.

It is a suitable method for small homes and specific moments, since it works at a short range. However, it is convenient to know it because it is very easy to do. Remember to take certain precautions and not leave it on when you leave the house.

6. Household cleaner with a smell

Scented household cleaner

A good cleaning is essential so that essential oils can fall in love with those who smell them. For this reason, another way to impregnate the house with their scent is to add them in small quantities to our floor and surface cleaning products. 

We can use essential oils with cleansing and antiseptic properties, such as lemon, mint or lavender. In this way, we will multiply the feeling of purity and freshness of our home, in addition to fighting all kinds of germs.

7. With the fabric softener

The last tip of this article helps us so that the aromas accompany us throughout the day, even outside our home. The way to do this is to add a few drops of the essential oil along with the fabric softener from the washing machine. 

The recommended essential oils are those of citrus fragrances, such as orange, grapefruit, mandarin. Or, well, floral, like rose, lavender or jasmine. In this way, all the clothes and fabrics in the home will maintain the scents for longer.

As you can see, there are many ways to take advantage of the benefits of essential oils at home. Take note of these simple and creative recommendations and see the results for yourself. You will not regret!

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