Walking And Losing Weight: What’s The Right Way To Do It?

Is it possible to walk and lose weight? In our space, we have talked to you on numerous occasions about the great health benefits of walking. Improves mood, relieves tension or reduces hypertension.

Few exercises are as beneficial for our body as going out for a daily walk.

However, can we really get to prevent being overweight with the simple act of leaving the house and walking?

It is possible that you have been doing it for a while without noticing too many results in your silhouette, without achieving, for example, that size that you want so much. Are you doing something wrong?

Don’t worry, take note of the following tips for walking and maintaining a healthy body weight. It is easier than you think!

1. Walking to Lose Weight: Can I Really Get It?

Walking is an appropriate exercise in the face of excess weight. As you already know, any physical activity that requires some effort and that is constant is going to make our metabolism activate, our heart to start and, consequently, we burn fat.

Walking is great for burning those calories that we consume in excess and that turn into carbohydrates and fat reserves.

The simple exercise of walking each day and at an adequate pace will cause an increase in muscle mass and reduce the fat reserve. The more muscle, the less fat and, consequently, the greater the health.

Walking regularly increases basal metabolism and helps us burn fat, but you must remember that we will achieve all these benefits if we also take care of our diet and restrict the high consumption of fat, refined white flour, industrial food, sweets and sugary soft drinks.

It is simply about acquiring healthier lifestyle habits.

2. What factors should I take into account to walk and lose weight?

Lose weight by walking.

1. How long should I walk?

The ideal to see obvious results already in the first two months is to walk for half an hour twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon, every day.

Doing two sessions a day is already a very suitable exercise to accelerate the metabolism, help us burn fat and gain muscle. If you only want to improve your health, your mood and the good state of your vital functions, it is enough to walk half an hour a day.

However, to lose kilos more effectively, it will be necessary to schedule two sets of walks a day when the sunlight is not very intense.

Reserve two slots in your agenda!

2. How fast should I walk to lose weight?

Woman walking in the park.

At a fast pace, the normal thing is to walk at about 6 or 4 km / h, which would be, more or less, to do a kilometer every 10 or 15 minutes. If you manage to maintain this rate, you will be able to burn fat more efficiently. And you will enjoy doing this march!

The reason for this is that, when our heart works between 60% and 70% of its frequency, the body already uses those fat reserves, that stored energy that we need to eliminate and that is of no use to us (just so that we do not fit jeans).

So remember: you have to travel 1 km every 10 to 15 minutes. That is your goal!

3. Watch your steps

Walk and lose weight.

It is important that you take into account the way you walk. Take note of these aspects:

It’s not about taking long strides

To travel that kilometer before every 10 minutes. It’s about walking faster.


Note when your heel hits the ground: the ankle should be flexed at an angle of about 45 °. No more no less. Otherwise, you could have problems in some area of ​​the foot.


Try to relax your shoulders, do not carry them in tension.


Make sure your head does not sway when you walk. Otherwise, you will end up with neck pain or you may even feel dizzy. You must keep it in a neutral position, neither raised nor lowered. Remember also that, while you walk, your eyes should be at a distance of about 6 meters in front of you.

This will, in turn, keep your head in a natural position and not feel overloaded on your neck.


Take care that your hips or pelvis do not swing too sharply or they will also become overloaded and you will suffer pain. Make sure that all movement in your body is smooth, fluid and natural. You shouldn’t notice any discomfort or pressure.

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Many people do not know very well how to position them while they walk, whether to leave them straight or flexed. What then is the best option? Bent, of course, already about 90º.

While you walk, it is important that they move with you naturally and without taking them too far from your body. It is about following a very simple rhythm: the left arm advances at the same time as the right foot and vice versa.


Remember that you should not clench your fists while walking, as this could hinder the circulation of your arms. Keep your hand relaxed.

4. Choose a good scene to walk

Walking is well-being.

Finally, it would be convenient that you do not choose an area full of stones or gravel to walk. You can take a wrong step and suffer a hip injury or a simple sprain. It is more appropriate to walk on a flat surface or any area enabled for it that is usually in parks or cities.

It is also important that you choose a comfortable and well-closed shoe that protects your foot from any impact. Remember to wear comfortable clothes that do not constrict you in any area.

As a last recommendation, if you are one of those who usually carry their music to walk, you should be very careful.

Headphones take us away from reality and cause numerous accidents and run-ins. Be careful!

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