Is It Advisable To Wake Up The Baby To Feed Him?

Many parents wonder whether or not they should wake the baby to feed him. If you are a new parent, you have probably already asked yourself this question. You should not worry: sleep and food issues always cause such doubts among parents.

Today there are discordant opinions. On the one hand, some claim that babies need to be fed every 2 to 4 hours without fail. Even under the duty of waking up the little ones. In view of this, in this article we will analyze whether it is advisable to interrupt the baby’s sleep to feed him or not.

How much should a baby sleep?

Baby sleeping.

First of all, we need to know more about healthy sleeping habits in babies. This will help to determine whether or not they should be awakened while they sleep or if this affects their development.

Babies sleep most of the day, 16 hours on average. Generally, they wake up every 2 to 3 hours to eat, although this is not a rule. In fact, there are numerous cases of babies sleeping more than 3 hours at a time. This is normal, as every child is different.

Sleep during the first months

During the first two months of life, sleep depends on the baby’s hunger and satiety. For this reason, each child sets his own rhythm to sleep. Up to two months, after eating, the child begins active sleep and should not be awakened.

Active sleep usually lasts 30 to 40 minutes; it can actually be identified by the baby looking fussy, but it is very normal. After this phase, the baby enters a period of deep sleep, known as “quiet sleep.”

It is important to recognize that the increase in sleep times and their accumulation towards the night hours generally starts from 4 to 6 months. From that moment on, the child’s sleep-wake cycle depends on the circadian rhythm and light or dark.

In short, children stabilize their sleep rhythms little by little. In fact, over time, they will resemble the cycles of an adult and parents will be able to sleep better. Melatonin plays an important role in modulating sleep when children begin to develop. In fact, supplementation with this hormone is associated with a higher quality of rest, as stated in a study published in the journal Neurological Research .

The feeding rhythm

As we have already mentioned, the feeding cycle usually lasts about 3 hours. During this time, babies wake up, cry, are fed, and go back to sleep. It should also be borne in mind that crying is not always due to hunger.

Although the 3-hour period has remained as a reference, it is still just a statistic. There are babies who need to feed more frequently and there are others who need to be awakened from sleeping a lot.

When to wake the baby to feed him?

Mother breastfeeding her baby.

If a baby has developed good sleep habits and maintains an age-appropriate weight, then it is not necessary to wake him up to eat. However, there are situations in which it is necessary to do so: this  depends on the age, weight and health of the baby.

In the case of newborn babies, they lose some of their weight in the first few days while they sleep. This is because the process of establishing breastfeeding is beginning. In addition, your stomach admits very little amount of food per intake.

As you can see, it is very important that the newborn eats frequently. Therefore, it is quite common that you have to wake him up a couple of times a day (especially if he is underweight or premature).

On the other hand, parents should not be guided strictly by the clock or by the cry of the little one. Crying is just a late sign that the baby is hungry. If you notice that the little one is restless, moves his lips or makes sucking movements, it is very likely that you should feed him.

Other factors to consider

Give your baby a bottle.

Once he has reached his weight and shows signs of increasing, then you no longer need to wake the baby to feed him.  Wait for him to wake up on his own and ask for food.

You don’t need to worry about how much you eat or how regularly, but rather more important developmental factors such as:

  • Steady and stable weight gain.
  • If he looks satisfied between each meal.
  • Wets six or more diapers a day.
  • Defecate three or more times a day.

If your baby does not meet any of these points, it is advisable to visit the doctor. This will help the specialist to check the little one more carefully. In addition, you will be able to receive the necessary instructions and avoid risks in your little one.

Remember that when feeding it is always preferable to offer breast milk, as far as possible. Scientific studies affirm that this is the best food for the child until the first year of life, its intake improves the state of health and reduces the risk of developing diseases.

Baby may need to be awakened to feed

In short, unless your baby is premature, underweight, or in poor health, waking the baby to feed is not recommended. If your little one is healthy and sleepy, don’t worry: let him sleep as long as he needs.

It is good to allow your baby to sleep, as this will help him grow physically and develop good sleep habits. On the other hand, it is time that you can use to rest a little or do some slope. Is it true that sleeping is a pleasure?

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