Magnesium Hydroxide: Indications And Side Effects

Magnesium hydroxide is the hydrated form of another chemical compound, magnesium oxide. It is also known to be an active ingredient in certain medications or drugs. For example, milk of magnesium, Maalox, etc.

Mechanism of action of magnesium hydroxide

Magnesium hydroxide

It is generally  used as an antacid substance that acts locally on the stomach. Thus, it is capable of increasing the pH of this body area due to its basic character.

Once this compound reaches the stomach, a series of chemical reactions take place between magnesium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid in this organ. Finally, magnesium chloride is produced, without altering the synthesis of gastric acids.

Also, it has the  ability to produce a series of chemical changes in the intestines that generate the displacement of water to them. A significant percentage of the drug’s compounds are absorbed in the small intestine, along with a large amount of nutrients and water.

In this way, the patient’s stool increases in volume and reduces its consistency, facilitating intestinal transit. Once its function is fulfilled, this compound is generally eliminated through feces to the external environment. It usually appears decomposed in the form of chloride and bicarbonate salts (they are soluble).

What is magnesium hydroxide used for?

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Currently, this chemical compound has different uses within the medical field.

  • It is mainly used to calm heartburn, digestion disorders and stomach discomfort that can occur if the patient has gastric hyperacidity.
  • At other times it can also act as a laxative (it is part of the osmotic laxatives). The expected effects appear within 3 hours (approximately) of use.
  • Its use can be applied both in a case of occasional constipation and in patients who are going to perform certain medical tests. This is the case for endoscopy, surgical intervention or surgery and even for radiological studies.
  • Finally, this compound can be recommended to people who are not capable of ingesting fiber or who do not process changes in a lifestyle.

Magnesium hydroxide side effects

Some of the adverse reactions that can cause the consumption of magnesium hydroxide are the following:

  • Sickness.
  • Vomiting
  • Flatulence
  • Palpitations
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Abdominal distension.
  • Taste “earthy” in the mouth, especially in the morning.
  • Drowsiness and general tiredness (symptoms related to hypermagnesemia ).

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The use of this compound is not recommended if the patient is pregnant (at any stage) or lactating, or the patient has or has suffered from any of the following medical conditions:

  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Chronic diarrhea.
  • Gastrointestinal or rectal bleeding.
  • Appendix-related problems.
  • Hypersensitivity or allergy to this compound or its derivatives.
  • Kidney diseases, especially the failure of these organs.
  • Alterations that affect the pancreas or insufficiency of the same.

    It is also not recommended in the event that the patient takes medications that are incompatible with this type of drug, since they can interact with other medications, enhancing their effects or inhibiting their functions. For this reason, it is very important to inform the medical team of the type of diet that is followed and if vitamin supplements or other nutrients are being taken. 

    In general, all toxins in the body follow a metabolic pathway of liver degradation. That is, some are excreted directly in the urine, while others remain in the blood until the liver “degrades” them.

    An indication to avoid prolonged magnesium hydroxide treatment is precisely liver overload. Furthermore, magnesium is a cation (a positively charged chemical element) that affects the membrane potential of cells responsible for the generation and transmission of signals.

    In conclusion, it is important to always consult the medical team before using this type of compound. Otherwise, you may suffer various adverse reactions.

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