3 Delicious Shakes To Start The Day With Optimism

You may have been surprised by the wording in this article. “Shakes to increase our optimism?” … well, that’s right. An ideal way to start the day is taking advantage of those foods capable of improving our mood.

In reality, what they achieve is to enhance certain hormones that help us feel good, both physically and emotionally. If, in addition, they provide us with adequate nutrients, we get “that magic” so special.

For example, this study suggests that some foods rich in tryptophan can work when there is a low level of serotonin in our body.

In the same vein, this study can be mentioned, and its explanation of the influence of the food we eat and how they influence the appearance, control or rather, elimination of stress in our body.

Today in our space we want to show you three delicious and vitamin shakes with which you can start the day with optimism. We are sure that they will be of great help to you. Do we take note?

Strawberry and pollen smoothie to start the day with optimism

Strawberry milkshake

You cannot miss this wonderful natural smoothie. Made with strawberries, pollen and banana, it will ensure that your body receives a powerful level of antioxidants and chemical compounds with which to produce endorphins.

  • Strawberries are rich in phenols, a class of compounds that inhibit the pain-related enzyme cyclooxygenase, acting similarly to ibuprofen.
  • Bananas, meanwhile, contain tryptophan, an amino acid precursor to serotonin, a type of hormone that is associated with happiness and well-being.
  • Bee pollen can be found in any natural store. One of its main benefits is being an energizing remedy, rich in multiple nutrients: 28 minerals, 11 enzymes, 12 vitamins and 14 fatty acids.


    • 10 strawberries
    • 1 banana
    • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g).
    • ½ teaspoon of bee pollen (3 g).
    • The zest of ½ orange.
    • 1 glass of water or a vegetable drink (200 ml).


    • The first thing we will do is clean the strawberries well and then cut them in half. Do the same with the banana to facilitate the subsequent smoothie.
    • Wash the orange well and, with the help of the grater, proceed to obtain those zest from half of the piece of fruit.
    • Once in the blender, you just have to add the glass of water, the strawberries, the banana, the orange zest, the half teaspoon of pollen and the honey.
    • Get a homogeneous smoothie and add, if you wish, some ice cubes. It’s delicious.

    Melon, pineapple and cinnamon smoothie

    A great idea to start the day with optimism is to have this smoothie based on melon, pineapple and cinnamon. It is impossible to resist, but not only will our palate appreciate it, but our body will also notice its great benefits:

    If you take this melon-based smoothie for a week you will cleanse your body of toxins and calm your nerves. This fruit is rich in B vitamins, which means that it is a natural regulator of the nervous system.

    And what can we say about the pineapple? Few foods are so good for your digestive system and brain. Thanks to bromelain and its natural enzymes, it improves our serotonin levels and gives us a pleasant well-being.

    Cinnamon is the therapeutic spice par excellence. It fights inflammation, promotes detoxification and its essential oils have the virtue of improving our mood.


    • 100 g of melon of the variety you want.
    • 2 slices of pineapple.
    • ½ banana.
    • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g).
    • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g).
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml).


    • We will start by obtaining those 100 grams of melon in portions and those two slices of natural pineapple. The banana is always ideal to obtain a drink that allows us to improve our mood, so it is worth including it.
    • Prepare the blender glass and add that glass of water, the half banana, the melon, the pineapple and the teaspoon of honey to sweeten along with the cinnamon.
    • Blend well and get a smooth smoothie without lumps. As we have pointed out before, if you take it for a week it will not only improve your mood, but it will purify the body and favor your digestion.

    Dark chocolate, coffee and walnut smoothie

    coffee and chocolate shake to start the day with optimism

    A shake just for the daring? Absolutely. It never hurts to give yourself these small and timely nutritious gifts with which to start the day with optimism. Take note of why you should include it in your breakfast one day:

    • We know that the problem with chocolate in general is that it is not a pure product. Milk, sugar and other components are usually added that make it excessively caloric.
    • However, if you consume pure dark chocolate, you will benefit from its B complex vitamins, its minerals, such as iron, magnesium, calcium or phosphorus and, above all, its virtue to increase our levels of endorphins.
    • Chocolate adds a touch of happiness to our lives and it is always worth introducing it in moderation into our diet.
    • And what can we say about coffee? Few natural drinks are so energetic and lift our spirits so much.


    • 1 tablespoon of pure dark chocolate for desserts (10 g).
    • A cup of coffee.
    • 2 walnuts


    • The first thing we will do is melt those 10 grams of dark chocolate, either on the fire, or in the microwave. Once in a liquid state, we go to the blender where we will have added our morning cup of coffee.
    • Shake this delicious mixture and pour it into your favorite mug. Now, you just have to add those walnuts in pieces on top. Take 10 minutes of rest and enjoy this ideal shake to start the day with optimism.

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