Allergy To Nuts And Peanuts

Nut allergy is a pathology that is defined as a hypersensitivity reaction by the patient’s immune system to the ingestion of certain foods, in this case, fruits of plant origin. We consider here almonds, hazelnuts, chestnuts and walnuts, among others.

Various sources specialized in the study of occupational hazards, such as Prevensystem, estimate that the prevalence of this type of allergy is 1% of the population in the United States. That is, 1 in 100 people suffers it. Furthermore, it is estimated that 50% of school-age children are sensitive to one or more allergens.

While in the United States or France the peanut is usually the biggest trigger of this pathology, other foods such as hazelnut are the most common allergenic nuts in Europe. If you want to know how to deal with this process effectively, read on.

What happens during the allergic reaction?

According to the World Allergy Organization and, contrary to what many may think, allergy is not about an excessive immune reaction. The defense system is acting normally, since the problem does not lie in the type of response or its intensity, but in the objective.

When an allergen – a harmless substance that is mistaken for a threat – enters the individual’s body, the release of immunoglobulin E (IgE) begins. This is a type of antibody that promotes the release of inflammatory substances, which produces the clinical picture.

On the other hand, it is essential to emphasize that there is a key difference between allergy and intolerance. The journal Ámbito Farmacéutico advises us that the former is of immune origin, while an intolerance finds its cause in metabolic disorders, such as the lack of production of enzymes that digest the product, for example.

Nuts in bowls.

Symptoms of the allergic reaction

Allergy symptoms depend on where the allergen enters and the level of reactivity of the patient’s immune system. Still, portals like the Mayo Clinic list some of the common signs of a nut allergy. These are as follows:

  • Tingling or itching in the mouth.
  • Runny nose
  • Skin rash all over the body.
  • Swelling of the lips, face, throat, or other parts of the body.
  • Wheezing and abdominal pain.
  • Rapid drop in blood pressure, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness.

According to the Spanish Association of People with Food and Latex Allergy (AEPNAA), symptoms appear from a few seconds after ingestion of the dried fruit to two hours later.

Among other allergic responses, two different general clinical pictures can be distinguished:

  1. Oral allergy syndrome: it is mild in nature, as it triggers an allergic reaction that leads to itching and tickling in the mouth. It is very common in people allergic to pollen, as certain proteins in nuts are similar to those in these grains.
  2. Anaphylaxis:  this is considered a serious complication, as it endangers the life of the person. It is characterized by narrowing of the airways, swelling in the throat, and a pronounced drop in blood pressure.

When to visit the doctor?

It is necessary to make a visit to the allergist as soon as the patient suspects an allergy, either to nuts, pollen or any other compound. Also, it is always best to check when the reaction is ongoing, if possible, as this provides a lot of information to the practitioner.

On the other hand, in the event of a blockage in the airways, a rapid pulse or difficulty breathing after eating a meal, immediate emergency treatment is necessary. During an anaphylactic shock every second counts.

Treatment and control

The best control for episodes of allergy to nuts is, without any doubt, to monitor the diet of the affected person. It may seem obvious, but avoiding the consumption of nuts or their derivatives will always be the best solution.

An identification tag that can be worn as a bracelet is a good idea for patients with more severe allergic reactions. This prevents them from being offered food with the allergen in question and reduces the chance of coming into contact with the substance.

On the other hand, it is possible to contemplate that the patient carries with him an injection of adrenaline (epinephrine). According to the AEPNAA, this hormone increases blood pressure and dilates the bronchi, so it can fight cases of more serious allergic reactions.

Diagnosis and prevention of allergy to nuts

There is no accurate diagnosis at all for a nut or other food allergy. The allergist must collect various characteristics of the patient, such as symptoms and family history. If deemed necessary, it will indicate a skin test.

The skin test appears on the horizon when suspicion is high. With a small injection under the skin of a liquid with the suspected allergen, the hyperresponsiveness of the patient to it can be confirmed.

Child with allergy to nuts and peanuts.

Emergency plan if there is allergy to nuts

As we have already mentioned, what is intended, in any case, is to avoid anaphylactic shock. Mild allergic reactions can be fought with over-the-counter or prescription antihistamines, but in severe cases, an adrenaline shot is the only way out.

Every second counts and, therefore, the fact that the patient presents an identification tag with their personal information and their allergic condition can make a big difference. In the confusion of despair, there are few able to act lucid among those around the person.

If the allergy sufferer does not have an adrenaline injection on hand, the patient should be transported to an emergency department. There the corresponding protocol will be established.

Nut allergy is usually mild

As we have seen in these lines, the allergy to nuts is a pathology that should not be underestimated in any case, although it tends to be mild. Not all clinical pictures end in a situation of anaphylaxis, but this probability must be considered.

Prior allergy consultations to determine sensitivities are recommended. The more information a person has about their immune response capacity, the easier it is to limit negative effects.

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