Tips To Eat Less Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are present in many dishes of the daily diet. Although they provide nutrients and provide energy to carry out daily activities, they should not be abused, since they can be one of the reasons why it is more difficult to lose weight.

While these foods are important for the body to function properly, it is essential to know how to choose which ones are the most recommended when eating a balanced diet. In this article, we present some tips to eat less carbohydrates. Take note!

Are carbohydrates bad for your health?

Carbohydrates are bad for your health

This question is very common, especially in those people who want to lose weight. However, to say that carbohydrates are bad is a very general statement, since there are many types. The really important thing is to look at the type, quality and quantity of this macronutrient that is consumed daily.

In recent times, low-carbohydrate diets have become popular, which, as their name suggests, reduce their intake to a minimum. In fact, some studies suggest that these are more effective than low-calorie ones.

As indicated by an investigation published in The New England Journal of Medicine carried out for 6 months to people with obesity. Those who followed a low-carbohydrate diet managed to lose more weight than those who followed a calorie- and fat-restricted diet.

However, these cannot be completely eradicated from the diet, since they have very important functions for the body, such as providing energy for physical activities such as jogging or something as simple as breathing.

The problem appears when those that are not healthy (refined ones) are consumed and the natural ones, present in fruits, vegetables, cereals and legumes, are left aside. Therefore, it is important to review the diet and make a change in the proportions to see the results in both health and weight loss.

Types of carbohydrates

To establish which could be more harmful to your health or to your weight loss plan, it is necessary to understand that there are three types of carbohydrates present in food. According to an article in National Health Services , these include the following:


This is the simplest form of carbohydrate and is found naturally in some foods such as fruits, vegetables, milk, and dairy products. The added sugar in some products such as cookies, chocolate, yogurts, cereals and soft drinks is also included in this group.


Starch is a complex carbohydrate, meaning it is made up of many linked sugar units. The most common are bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta. These are one of the main sources of energy for the body.


You probably did not know that fiber falls into the group of carbohydrates. This is a very important substance for the body and the digestive process. It is found in certain foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, and legumes (beans and lentils).

Tips to consume less carbohydrates

Based on the concept of which carbohydrates should be limited in the diet, below, we provide some tips that could be of great help to achieve this goal. Take them into account on a daily basis and make them a habit. You will not regret!

1. Skip sugary drinks

sport drinks

These drinks are far from healthy, as, as the name implies, they contain a large amount of added sugar. This, in addition to contributing to obesity, can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases.

In relation to this, a Harvard TH Chan publication points out that this product provides many calories and practically no nutrients. In addition, he comments that its consumption, even if it has the same calories as a solid food, does not contribute to making the person feel satisfied, so they will resort to other foods to fill themselves up.

Therefore, it is best to choose to drink water, natural juices or herbal teas instead . So the next time you do your shopping, try not to carry these drinks and try drinking between 1 and 2 liters of water a day. Your body will thank you.

2. Add more fruits and vegetables

Substitute those snacks between meals that include cookies, bread or fried foods for servings of fruits or nuts. On the other hand, before choosing a food full of carbohydrates, choose to include more vegetables in the 3 main meals of the day. A good idea to achieve this goal is to plan a weekly menu.

3. Reduce your bread intake

Most people are used to eating bread as a perfect accompaniment. However, a piece of bread has simple refined carbohydrates (sugar) and, therefore, is one of the main causes of weight gain.

Therefore, it is best to choose breads made from whole grains, such as rye. These, although they provide carbohydrates, according to another National Health Services publication , they also have a good amount of fiber. In any case, it is best to reduce your consumption.

4. Choose low carb snacks

If you usually eat between meals so that you don’t arrive with such an appetite for lunch or dinner and wipe out the plate in a matter of seconds, it is important to pay attention to the foods that are ingested at this time of day.

Instead of chips, cookies, candy or cold cuts, we recommend that you have some nuts on hand such as almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts or walnuts. While it is true that they provide calories, the key is to consume only a handful.

5. Include more protein in breakfast

Every morning you need fuel to start your day. To have all the energy we recommend, for example, adding a boiled egg for breakfast. Thus, in addition to reducing the amount of carbohydrates on the plate, you can also satisfy hunger for longer. 

Now that you know these options to eat less carbohydrates, feel free to include them in your diet and eliminate products with high sugar content. Remember that if your main objective is to lose weight, it is essential to combine these tips with some physical activity and adequate hydration. Go ahead and see the results!

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