5 Mistakes Demanding Parents Make

It is likely that many demanding parents are focusing too much on their children being brilliant people, without realizing the stress and discomfort that this generates in the little ones .

There are many demanding parents who are carried away by the high expectations they have for their children, in various areas. They want so much that they give their best, that they develop their full potential, that many times they do not allow them to have any margin of error.

So instead of helping their children, they end up hurting them. It may even undermine their self-esteem. For this reason, it would be convenient for parents to stop for a moment to reflect, self-criticism being a key point to begin to improve the relationship with their children.

In addition to this, it would be important to admit that it may be wrong and that it is valid to allow children to stumble and get back on their feet. 

5 mistakes picky parents make

1. Overexertion does not increase performance


Anyone may think that pushing, demanding, and encouraging a child to do their best will increase their performance in school. However, what happens when your boss pressures you at work? Are you feeling motivated or are you starting to deal with really excruciating stress instead?

Overexertion will, in most cases, be counterproductive. Well, it does not come alone, but accompanied by stress and anxiety. Also, the son may think that he is not being all the good that his father wants him to be. You will find that you are not meeting expectations and this will demotivate you.

You need to give it your space.  Pressure doesn’t always produce good results.

2. Perfectionism is not good

Demanding parents tend to be very intolerant of the mistakes their children make. However, fighting this is futile.

No human being is perfect. Therefore, demanding parents must understand that educating in perfectionism is not good for their children. Avoiding mistakes is not as healthy as teaching you to learn from them and get back on your feet. 

3. Unrealizable expectations that frustrate

father and daughter

Setting too high expectations of children will not help them achieve their goals, but will help them to get frustrated more easily when they try to please and see that they fail to do so. It is necessary to stick to a realistic picture, which allows them to achieve what they want, without constantly seeking parental approval.

4. Problems in personal relationships

Believe it or not, demanding parents can affect the quality of their children’s interpersonal relationships. By not knowing how to manage conflicts properly, they develop many insecurities and may also begin to be too demanding of others. They will begin to expect too much from them, to want to receive what they give … And so, disappointments, disappointments and disappointments will come.

On the relationship level, you also have to be realistic. Otherwise, we will be lost.

5. Love must be earned


Children who have demanding parents measure the affection that they can give them in the fact of fulfilling or not the demands established by the parents. In this way, they learn that love is not unconditional, but quite the opposite. If they make a mistake, they will no longer want them; if they do not meet expectations, they are not deserving of affection.

All this will cause a serious lack of self-esteem and a strong insecurity that will carry over to your future relationships.

A pending reflection

Today’s children are under great pressure and in great need to seek parental approval. This is not only the preliminary of great unhappiness, but of the failure of your future relationships.

Demanding parents should be aware that they, too, make mistakes, that their children don’t have to be perfect, and that confidence in abilities, not results, is essential.

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