Homemade Arnica Cream To Treat Injuries And Pain

Arnica is one of the plants most used in the production of organic creams and ointments to relieve pain from muscle injuries, so this article is about how to make a homemade arnica cream.

There are several formulas that can provide similar effects for a cheaper price. Its effectiveness is due to its powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory action that can reduce the size of bruises while calming pain and preventing infections.

However, remember that this remedy is to help relieve symptoms, not a treatment. If you have a sprain, for example, you should go to the doctor to heal you. Arnica cream can help you cope better after convalescence, but by itself it will not cure you.

What are the benefits of arnica cream?

Arnica is a small plant with yellow flowers, which are used for various medicinal purposes.

Most of the treatments that are made to take advantage of its properties are designed to heal the skin, reduce bruising and relieve various ailments where the muscles are involved.

This is because, according to some studies, it has certain effects on blood circulation, which could help speed up the recovery process from various types of injuries. 

In addition, according to various studies, it also has an antibiotic action that, when applied locally, can help us fight various microorganisms to prevent the development of infections.

various types of injuries.

Its main uses include:

  • Relief of bumps or bruises to prevent the appearance of bruises and bumps.
  • Natural anti-inflammatory to relieve blisters and pain.
  • Remedy against muscle aches and tears.
  • Supplement for sprains and dislocations.
  • Soothing for rheumatoid arthritis.

How to prepare homemade arnica cream?

The preparation of homemade arnica cream is very simple. Dried flowers can be infused in oil or soaked in water to make a first part of the product.

It is essential to know that these can be highly toxic, so they should not be ingested or applied to open wounds. However, its external use has many benefits and is 100% safe.


  • ½ cup of dry arnica (250 g)
  • ¼ cup of grated beeswax (62 g)
  • ¼ cup of cocoa butter (62 g)
  • ⅔ cup of sweet almond or grapeseed oil (156 g)
  • ¼ teaspoon of borax (1.2 g)
  • ¼ cup of distilled water (62 ml)


  • In a container that is resistant to heat, heat the oil with the dried arnica in a water bath for half an hour.
  • Filter the flowers through a cloth or mesh and discard the remains.
  • Take half a cup of the oil infusion, add the beeswax and cocoa butter, and let it melt over low heat.
  • In another container, mix the borax in the water and put it on the fire until it is heated through.
  • When both mixtures are just right, pour them into a single container, being very careful because there may be a bubbling reaction.
  • Stir carefully and make sure to get everything mixed well.
  • To finish, let it sit and then whisk it for a couple of minutes to achieve a creamy consistency.
  • Put the homemade arnica cream in an airtight jar and store it in a dark place.

    Application mode

    • Take a small amount of the cream with your hands and apply it to massage the affected area.
    • Remember that you should not apply it if the skin is open.
    • Use it as many times as necessary.

    Application mode

    Stored in good condition, this homemade arnica cream  can last 3-6 months in perfect condition.

    As you can see, it is very easy to make a natural arnica cream at home to reduce inflammation and relieve muscle injuries. In addition, all its ingredients can be easily purchased in herbal or health food stores.

    It is worth mentioning that since it is a natural product, its effects may take a little longer compared to pharmacological treatments ; however, it is worth a try because it is very safe and has additional benefits for the skin. Do you dare to try its effects?

    However, we recommend that if the problem persists you go to your doctor or the pharmacy to recommend a stronger treatment.

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