6 Natural Remedies Against Nausea

When nausea appears suddenly, it is better to have certain resources to cope with it. If these are natural, of course it is much better. However, if symptoms persist, medical consultation will be a must.

Looking for some natural anti-nausea remedies? We know that this can be a very annoying problem and that it can also occur at any time. We offer you some solutions.

Nausea is that feeling that can precede vomiting  and is usually a symptom and not a disease. Among the reasons that can cause its appearance, the following stand out:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Stomach irritation
  • Viral infection.
  • Migraines
  • Labyrinthitis.
  • Dizziness
  • Poor food poisoning.
  • Inflammation of the liver, gallbladder or pancreas.
  • Side effect of taking hormones (birth control pills, for example).
  • Medicines for depression, chemotherapy, or anesthesia.

Although in the pharmacological market there are different options to treat nausea, here we will present some natural remedies to alleviate them.

6 natural remedies for nausea

The benefit of these options is that, being natural, they are usually harmless to the body. In other words, this means that there will be no side effects.

1. Ginger

Although it is not known for sure how or why it works for this specific problem, this root is highly recommended to relieve morning sickness of pregnancy.  Ginger helps reduce the intensity and frequency of nausea.

We recommend consuming the powdered root, either as an infusion, in your food or as part of your shakes .

2. Aromatherapy with peppermint or mint

Another of the best natural remedies for nausea is to smell or be exposed to the aroma of one of these herbs.  It is a simple, effective and easy-to-use natural anti-nausea remedy.

If you usually experience this problem regularly, it would be convenient to have a little essential oil from either of these two plants. Likewise, u A good option is to spray a classic infusion of any of these herbs.

3. Acupuncture or acupressure

The difference between both techniques is that acupuncture uses very thin needles that are inserted in specific points and that help to mitigate the symptom.  For its part, acupressure works on the same points, but exerting pressure with the fingers of the hand.

These ways of acting on the network of nerves that exist in the body may decrease morning sickness, chemotherapy, and anesthesia after an operation .

Remember that if you opt for acupuncture, you should look for an expert who always uses new needles to avoid any problems.

4. Lemon

If nausea appears out of nowhere and acupuncture or ginger really isn’t a possibility, Chopping a lemon or grating its peel can help. 

This is one of the fastest natural remedies to find, because almost anywhere you can find a lemon without problems. An alternative is to take some lemon essential oil with you and smell it in case the symptom occurs.

5. Control your breathing

Managing your breathing and alternating slow, deep breaths can help reduce the feeling of nausea in a few minutes This can be the ideal trick for those that appear caused by some unexpected factor.

6. Spices

Spices not only serve to improve the flavor of your food; some of them are excellent natural remedies for nausea. Among the most indicated are:

  • Fennel
  • Cinnamon
  • Cumin

Recommendations to avoid nausea

Now that you know some natural remedies for nausea, you may also want some tips to avoid nausea. Take note of the following suggestions if you tend to have regular nausea:

  • Avoid spicy and greasy foods . Better to eat rice, baked potatoes, bananas, and apple.  Also, try to find ways of cooking that do not include extra fat.
  • Add protein to your diet or make sure you are consuming the correct amounts.
  • Avoid large meals. It is preferable to eat small portions and more frequently.
  • Don’t lie down immediately after eating. If you’ve eaten too much, it could increase discomfort and cause reflux.
  • Avoid strong smells like perfumes and certain foods. Identify what are the trigger scents and avoid them whenever possible.
  • Practice relaxing exercises, like yoga.
  • Try to eat slowly.
  • Avoid drinking coffee and consuming  caffeine in general.

Prepare to fight nausea

Being aware of the foods or spices that will help you combat this problem, it would be good to have some of them nearby.  In the event that nausea derives from a particular treatment or situation, it is a good idea to always carry one of the aforementioned oils.

On the other hand, identifying if a particular situation or food causes you this discomfort is more than advisable. If so, try removing or replacing it.

In the case of fast food, it would be best to do without it completely. Regarding the juices and healthy foods, try changing or modifying them in some way.

Nausea is undoubtedly very unpleasant, but with these natural remedies you can easily forget about it. Try them and keep the most effective for you!

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