The Advantages Of Eating Together

Especially at noon, a typical postcard in the city center is to see people eating alone, with no other company than a mobile phone or a music player. Maybe a book or a magazine. However, did you know that this is not good for mental and physical health?

Quite the opposite happens if you share your lunch break with office colleagues or friends. Find out what the advantages of eating together could be in the following article.

Nothing like a shared table

Among your childhood memories, surely you have some images of birthdays or family reunions where parents, uncles, cousins, grandparents, siblings were present … Eating is more than the act of nourishment, because it creates bonds and is synonymous with celebration.

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For some people, cooking for yourself is less rewarding than cooking for a crowded table. For this reason, more and more ready meals are sold, to be heated in the microwave. Many think, why am I going to make an effort to cook if I am alone?

This is how we stop consuming fruits and vegetables. We fill the fridge with frozen foods and the cabinets with ready meals. Laziness to cook is not only present in young people who spend all day working outside. But also in retirees who stay at home 24 hours.

The benefits of eating together

Not only with family, but also with a colleague from the office. Eating with someone can make us spend that time in another way. Let it become an interesting experience. That we can exchange opinions and even “try to change the world” with crazy ideas.

Even if we talk about banal things like the weather, a cooking recipe or a football game, this communication during lunch or dinner is good for our health. Other advantages of eating accompanied are:

Encourage a healthier diet

As said before, there are more possibilities of preparing an elaborate dish if we are with someone to share it than if we eat alone. People tend to have better eating habits if they eat dinner as a family. Especially when there are children, because adults want to set an example by consuming vegetables, for example.

Some research has shown that teens who frequently share dinners with their families experience more positive health outcomes, such as diets of higher nutritional quality.

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Prevents weight gain

Exactly in relation to the previous item, precooked, frozen or fast foods, full of fats, sugars and ingredients that are harmful to our health, are left aside. The habit of eating healthier and combining foods is encouraged.

Today, our hectic pace of life does not allow us to stop for a few minutes to enjoy a delicious meal with someone else. Sometimes we don’t choose the healthiest foods. Did you know that there is a relationship between eating alone and being overweight?

Instill good manners

There is nothing more characteristic of a family than a table with parents and children talking and enjoying home-made dishes. The little ones imitate everything they see.  It is likely that when they grow up, that is what they want for their children.

Shared family meals have been identified as potential promoters of healthy child development.

Verbal contact develops

Coexistence depends a lot on what is discussed at the table, indicate the psychologists. And it is completely true. When sharing a family dinner you can talk about projects, dreams, day to day and even problems (although many prefer to leave this topic for later).

Children and adults learn to listen and say ideas or opinions. So, a family dinner will promote harmony, make up for time lost due to other activities (work, school, etc.) and make all the members more sociable.

Chances of depression are reduced

Eating as a family or with colleagues from the office prevents depressive behaviors at any age. Research carried out in the elderly suggests that eating alone may be a stronger factor associated with depressive symptoms than living alone.

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On the other hand, eating is not only important for health and nutritional outcomes; it is also a vital part of daily social interaction. According to a study carried out in a non-Western environment, sharing meals could contribute to increasing happiness.

As you can see, there is some research that suggests that eating in company could have more benefits, although it all depends on the person. Even if you eat only, always try to choose quality foods, rich in nutrients and varied.

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