Negative Effects Of Soft Drinks On Your Body

Sugary carbonated drinks are very popular among the population. However, the negative effects of soft drinks can be quite large and harm your body.

Cola, iced tea or remineralizing drinks are consumed very often. What’s more, there are many people who consume them almost daily and, however, are unaware of the harmful effects that their regular consumption carries.

Soft drinks mainly contain water, phosphoric acid, caffeine, sugar in the form of sucrose, and other chemicals in the form of preservatives, colorings, and flavorings. In addition, numerous health problems are associated with the regular consumption of soft drinks.

If you are also one of those who consume this kind of drinks, you should take a look at this article. You may be surprised by the sheer number of negative effects of soda!

Negative effects of soft drinks


The acid and sugar found in soda can dissolve tooth enamel. This can lead to excess cavities, which in turn can affect the nerve and root of the tooth, causing pain.

Sometimes, if the cavity progresses, we can even lose the tooth. In this case, it is very likely that we will have to undergo surgery to kill the dental nerve.

For this reason, it is very important that you do not forget to brush your teeth after consuming sugary soft drinks. In case you take a lot, we recommend you reduce its consumption.

Renal problems

Phosphoric acid and sodium benzoate in soft drinks can cause stones and kidney problems.

The stones arise after the continued sedimentation of minerals, which give rise to solid particles. In case of suffering or having suffered stones, we strongly recommend avoiding the consumption of this type of beverages.


The excessive consumption of soft drinks and obesity have a very close relationship. It is estimated that for every soda you drink, you are 1.6 times more likely to be obese.

As a publication in the medical journal Current Opinion in Lipidology points out , the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages has increased in recent years and, in turn, the number of obese patients.

According to the study, the fructose contained in this type of liquid causes metabolic alterations in children, adolescents and adults. 


It should also be remembered that being overweight and obese increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.


Not only does the phosphoric acid found in soda affect the kidneys, it can also affect the bones. This is because high levels of phosphate in the body contribute to upsetting the mineral balance of the bones, damaging them.


Therefore, you should avoid the consumption of soft drinks. Instead, opt for healthy drinks like milk to help preserve your bone health.


Drinking a soda daily raises the risk of type 2 diabetes by 15%, as it promotes insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes is linked to overloading the body with large amounts of simple sugars, such as those found in soda.

What happens when you stop consuming sodas?

If you have been surprised by the negative effects of soft drinks on your body, you will be even more impressed by  all the benefits of stopping consuming them.

Many of them we can imagine, having read the previous paragraphs. Here are some positive changes you could experience:

  • Your sense of energy will be greater.
  • You will have fewer dental problems, as well as bone.
  • You could lose weight and have less anxiety about eating. In this way, we will also contribute to better digestive health.
  • Your skin will look healthier.
  • The risk of kidney stones and developing diabetes may be reduced.

As you can see, sodas can affect your body in more ways than one. Furthermore, they create a huge toll on your overall health. After reading how soda negatively affects your body, do you think you are going to make any changes in your life?

Nothing better than following a healthy, varied diet with quality food. Also, do not forget that it is important to stay active and exercise regularly, to avoid being overweight and related diseases.

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