8 Benefits You Get From Drinking Basil Tea Every Day

Basil tea is a drink that can help us maintain good hydration on a daily basis, but it is not a remedy capable of curing or preventing diseases by itself.

Basil tea is a very light and also very aromatic drink, which can be enjoyed after a main meal or as part of a mid-afternoon snack.

With just a few basil leaves it can be prepared very easily and, although no ingredient or sweetener is usually added, it is not ‘forbidden’ to do so either; although it is recommended to always maintain moderation.

Since it has a particular taste and aroma, this drink is not usually consumed regularly. In fact, the most common is to use basil as an ingredient to enhance other flavors in different recipes, such as spaghetti with tomato and basil, without going any further.

1. Helps maintain the health of the respiratory system

Basil tea with a hint of ginger.

Although it is not scientifically proven that the consumption of basil tea can make any specific (or significant) contribution to health, there are those who have incorporated it into their lifestyle, as a hydrating drink.

According to popular beliefs, basil tea could contribute to the health of the respiratory system. In particular, it would help keep the airways clear and thin the mucus.

It has an expectorant effect that helps mobilize phlegm to alleviate problems such as bronchitis and asthma. Therefore, it is considered that it could contribute to relief in case of flu and cold.

2. Stimulates kidney function

Since it may have some diuretic effect, basil tea is considered to support kidney function. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of basil would contribute to the proper functioning of the kidneys.

It is often said that when consumed regularly, this drink may also help lower the risk of kidney stones. 

3. Relieve emotional tension and stress

Since hot drinks, such as herbal teas, can help relieve stress and emotional tension, it has been considered that basil tea could contribute, in some way, to people’s well-being.

However, there is no scientific evidence to confirm these beliefs. So, for now, it is still one more drink, which can be consumed as part of the diet, at specific times. It is not a solution for stress.

4. Prevent mouth infections

Because antimicrobial properties have been attributed to basil, it is considered that consumption in the form of tea could create a kind of protective barrier in the mouth, against pathogens that cause infections.

By consuming it in moderation and maintaining good oral hygiene, it is considered that the proliferation of harmful bacteria could be avoided. On the other hand, it would help prevent problems such as bad breath.

5. Relieve headaches

Since basil is credited with anti-inflammatory properties, its tea is thought to help relieve mild headaches. On the other hand, it has been claimed that the drink could contribute to blood circulation, which supposedly would help to provide relief, even in case of headache. However, this has not been scientifically proven.

6. Maintain healthy skin

Due to its antioxidant content, basil could help maintain skin health and also:

  • Prevent premature cell aging.
  • Protect tissues against deterioration caused by free radicals, avoiding premature wrinkles.

7. Improve digestion

Basil is a digestive plant that, according to popular beliefs, can help:

  • Eliminate excess gases.
  • Relieve stomach aches.
  • Relieve heavy digestions. 
  • Reduce abdominal swelling.
  • Maintain the balance of the intestinal flora.
  • Stimulate urination and evacuation. 

8. Moisturize and stimulate urination

Basil tea is a drink that can help you stay hydrated and stimulate urination, which would help eliminate retained fluids and associated discomfort.

Consume in moderation and remember to always give priority to the consumption of mineral water.


Important note about basil tea

In case you want to prepare basil tea, it is necessary to clarify that you must use the leaves of the plant, never the essential oil because it contains estragole, a carcinogen that can be risky for health.

If you want to take better care of your health, it is best to maintain good lifestyle habits and resolve any possible concerns with your doctor. The professional will tell you what can help you maintain a good quality of life in a safe way.

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