Tuna Patty With Homemade Dough

Empanadas are eaten a lot in Latin America and also in Spain. They have a wide variety of options for the filling. In this case, we will explain how the typical tuna patty with homemade dough is made,  a recipe that, in addition to being delicious, is very simple to prepare.

The tuna empanada is a dish that is enjoyed as a starter or as a main meal. Some choose to make it fried, others baked. In this case, we will make it baked. Although we teach you how to make the homemade dough, you can also buy it already made.

Recipe for tuna patty with homemade dough

Person preparing fresh dough from flour


For the mass:

  • 1 1/3 cup of flour (400 g)
  • 1/2 cup of butter (110 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder (20 g)
  • 1 cup of milk (250 ml)
  • a pinch of salt

    For the filling:

    • 2 cans of natural tuna
    • 1 dash of oil
    • 1 bay leaf
    • 2 tablespoons of butter (30 g)
    • Salt and white pepper to taste
    • 1 tablespoon of mustard (20 g)
    • Chopped cilantro
    • 1 tablespoon onion, minced
    • 250 g of mushrooms


    • 1 egg to paint
    • ¼ cup of milk to brown (62.5 g)


    • Containers
    • Spoon
    • Roller
    • Circular mold
    • Knife
    • Frying pan
    • Saucepan
    • Baking tray
    • Brush
    • Fork


    Tuna patty with homemade dough on a ceramic plate

    Start by making the dough:

    • First, mix the yeast, sugar, and 4 tablespoons of warm milk in a bowl.
    • Let it rise for 15 minutes.
    • Then add the flour, salt, butter, and remaining milk.
    • Then work your way to a smooth, dry dough. P wadis let up a little more (about 20 minutes).
    • Finally, stretch it out and with the help of a circular mold, cut discs about 10 cm in diameter and 1 cm thick.

      To prepare the filling:

      • First, chop the onion and cilantro, and fillet the mushrooms.
      • In a frying pan with a little oil, sauté the onion.
      • Then add the bay leaf, coriander and season to taste.
      • When the onion is transparent, add the tuna and cook for a few minutes.
      • Then, in a separate casserole, fry the mushrooms with butter and pour over the tuna.
      • Finally, stir well and reserve until cool.

      Now, we have the assembly and baking:

      • You can now start the oven at 180 ° C.
      • To fill each empanada you just have to put 1 or 2 tablespoons of the filling in the center of the dough disk and close it in half, as if it were a semicircle.
      • Immediately, close by making folds in the dough and place it on a baking tray with a little oil.
      • Mix the egg with the milk and brush all the empanadas before baking 30 minutes (until the dough is golden brown).

      Data of interest

      • Difficulty level: Intermediate
      • Preparation time : 1 hour
      • Tips: So that the empanadas do not open, you can press the edges with a knife. Also make holes with that same utensil on top of the dough. You can make the discs bigger and prepare what is known as a Galician empanada that is the same size as half a cake or pizza.

      More options of fillings of empanadas with tuna

      Meat and egg pie cut in half

      You loved the idea of ​​making this dish, right? You can let your imagination fly and, in addition to tuna, add other ingredients, such as:

      • Hard-boiled egg
      • Red pepper
      • Green pepper
      • Olives
      • Grated cheese
      • Fried tomato
      • Chopped chicken
      • Green peas
      • Potatoes
      • Carrots
      • White wine
      • Also garlic, chives or fried tomato

      Also, did you know that tuna empanadas are eaten at Easter and are called “de vigil”? You can prepare them in different sizes (larger or smaller), but they should not contain any type of meat food. Normally, it usually contains tuna or sardine and also spinach, egg and cheese.

      The rule or tradition indicates that for them to be considered “waking” and to be eaten on Friday or Easter Sunday, the dough must be puff pastry. In addition, we tell you that it is very popular in some regions of Spain, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia and Uruguay.

      To finish, we hope you liked our recipe for tuna empanada with homemade dough, ideal for informal or improvised dinners. Go ahead and prepare them, either for yourself or for your whole family.

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