7 Tips To Save Damaged Hair Naturally

To take care of damaged hair and improve its appearance, it is important to take care of it both from the outside and from the inside. Our diet will also be crucial to achieve a healthy and strong mane.

Although we do not believe it, we can have damaged hair, it  suffers the consequences of a poor diet, nerves and stress.

It is also affected by hormonal changes, the weather, hair dyes and treatments with aggressive products, hair dryer, etc.

All these factors work against us and result in damaged, devitalized, dry and dull hair.

Discover in this article the 7 essential tips to put an end to damaged hair and get a hydrated, soft and beautiful mane.  

1. Egg yolk, olive oil and lemon

With three homemade and natural ingredients we can prepare a nourishing and repairing homemade mask to combat damaged hair. It will also help us prevent hair loss and provides shine and softness.


  • Freshly squeezed lemon (30 ml).
  • Yolk.
  • Extra virgin olive oil (32 g).

Egg benefits

In this case we will use the raw egg yolk. This ingredient is rich in healthy fats that deeply nourish the hair.

It also provides us with vitamins (A, riboflavin, folic acid, B6 and B12) and minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus or potassium.

Benefits of olive oil

To obtain the maximum benefits, we will try to choose an extra virgin olive oil, first cold extraction.

This oil provides us with essential fatty acids that are very suitable for repairing the hair fibers, closing the cuticle and giving the hair an extra shine and softness.

Lemon juice benefits

Lemon gives hair a lot of shine and volume and helps regulate excess sebum that makes us have oily roots.

Plus, it offsets the fat content of the other two ingredients.



  1. We will beat these ingredients well and we will apply the mixture, first through the roots and then through the rest of the hair.
  2. We will do it, if possible, when we go to bed, to leave this mask on overnight. We can use a plastic cap or a towel.
  3. The next day we will wash our hair as usual, with our usual shampoo.

Note : Remember not to use hot water to prevent the egg from cooking, as it would be more difficult to remove it.

2. Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil has the same texture and consistency as natural hair sebum, because it is an excellent product to nourish damaged or dry hair without making it greasy.

We will always apply it on damp hair, in small quantities, or only on the ends, at any time of the day, to prevent them from splitting.

3. A balanced diet

A balanced diet

Food is essential to have healthy and beautiful hair, since we need to obtain the necessary nutrients to avoid deficiencies. Our diet must be complete:

  • Fruits and vegetables, raw and cooked.
  • Meats: If possible, poultry and organic, and red meats in a timely manner. We will avoid cold cuts.
  • Blue and white fish.
  • Egg.
  • Legumes, at least twice a week.
  • Whole grains such as rice, oats, millet, buckwheat, or quinoa.
  • Nuts and seeds.

We will avoid dairy, sugar, refined flours and excess salt. 

4. Biotin supplement

For people who want to prevent hair loss or have healthier hair, we recommend taking a biotin supplement from time to time.

We can find this vitamin in some of the foods that we have discussed:

  • Yolk.
  • Liver.
  • Beer yeast.
  • Whole grains.
  • Mushrooms

Biotin adds strength and shine to hair if we consume it regularly, in food or as a supplement.

Although there are some shampoos that claim to contain biotin, most of them do not have this vitamin among their components, and its effectiveness is not confirmed if we apply it in this way.

5. Brush it every night

Brush it every night

Brushing our hair every night like the princesses in some stories did is not a ridiculous advice, but a remedy to have a much softer and nourished hair.

With this simple habit we distribute the natural sebum of the hair from the roots to the ends, in such a way that we avoid the imbalance of oily roots and dry ends.

6. Protect it from the sun

Exposure to the sun can be very damaging to hair and progressively weaken it. We can use hats or caps, as well as the jojoba oil that we have discussed.

7. Cut damaged hair

Although we do not want to cut our hair, if our ends are dry or split we will not get it to grow, so we should cut them a little every one or two months, even if it is only an inch.

With all these tips we will get a spectacular mane in a short time.

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