What Are The Most Common Mental Illnesses

Mental disorders are very present in our society, some are more frequent than others. In this article we tell you what they are and how they manifest themselves.

When we speak of mental illnesses we refer to those disorders that manifest as alterations in behavior, reasoning or recognition of reality, among other symptoms. In the following article we will tell you which are the most common, although they are not always treated accordingly. Do you want to know them? Keep reading!

Common types of mental illness

When diagnosed early, the lives of patients can be greatly improved. Mental illness does not discriminate age or gender. They can appear from one day to the next or gradually develop. In recent years, the public health system has put a little more focus on them and there are even censuses that determine which are the most frequent:

1. Anxiety disorder

It is one of the most common mental illnesses today and can appear in various stressful or distressing situations. Generally, the disorder is diagnosed when there are changes in the individual’s life, since it can be difficult to perform at work, talk with family or strangers, etc.

On the other hand, the generalized imbalance interferes in daily life because you are always worried about something: leaving the door open, having your car stolen in the parking lot, thinking that something bad will happen to a loved one, you will have a car accident. transit, etc.

5 recommendations to control anxiety

2. Schizophrenia

Schizophrenic people hear voices of other people within them that invade their thoughts and make them change the way they act.  Someone who suffers from this problem can noticeably change their day to day by not being able to control the internal monologues of those characters.

Schizophrenia affects men and women equally and usually appears between the ages of 16 and 30. The exact cause is not known: genetic and environmental factors may influence and there are some risk factors, especially family history. Regarding its treatment, doctors opt for psychosocial therapies and antipsychotic drugs. It is true that there is a certain stigma surrounding this disease, so its treatment is difficult if people who suffer from it do not want to talk about it. That is why it is important to normalize it.

3. Phobias

It is another of the most common mental illnesses. Phobias go beyond a fear or dislike for a situation, object or animal. I mean, it’s not that you don’t like spiders or clowns. It is an irrational disorder that does not allow you to enjoy life due to the fear that the cause of the phobia will appear. For example, not going on a family vacation because you are afraid of the plane or not getting a better job because you cannot get on an elevator.

4. Bipolar disorder

It is one of the so-called “mood disorders” and causes very exaggerated changes of emotions or manic episodes. For example, laughing out loud and a minute later crying uncontrollably. Such extreme behaviors can cause problems in social relationships because those around the patient do not know how they will react to a question or news.

The UK National Health Service (NHS) explains that it is important for people with this disorder to stay active and eat well: “A healthy diet, combined with exercise, can also help limit weight gain, which is a common side effect of medical treatments for bipolar disorder ”.

5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

When someone suffers from this anxiety-related condition they experience obsessive thoughts, images and ideas that are not real. It is associated with fear, stress and continuous anguish and is a problem for everyday life. It goes beyond ordering the hangers or books because it appears in any situation: not stepping on the lines of the floor, wanting to accommodate everything in its path, not being able to sleep if the closet door is open, organizing things many times, etc.

6. Panic attack

It is increasingly common for this problem to appear in which the person experiences breathing difficulties, has dizziness and nausea, feels weak and the heart beats faster. Other symptoms such as tingling in the hands, excessive sweating, weakness, and chest pains may also appear. It is as if you are drowning and you cannot control the situation.


It appears at any time or place in any case triggered by irrational fear. Panic attack is disabling and can be inherited. Without professional help, it can cause agoraphobia or fear of open spaces and social phobia by not being able to predict when a traumatic episode will occur.

7. Depression

It is one of the most frequent mental illnesses and in many cases it goes beyond a simple anguish or temporary sadness. Depressive disorder includes despair, difficulty getting out of bed, feelings of inferiority, and even suicidal thoughts. When these symptoms persist for weeks or months, they modify life and cause serious problems in interpersonal relationships.

8. Eating disorders

In this group we can find anorexia nervosa that is characterized by the obsession to control the food consumed and the distortion of the body image (even if the person is very thin, the person looks fat in the mirror) and bulimia nervosa that includes abnormal eating patterns , for example, binges and then maneuvers to eliminate what is ingested (through laxatives or vomiting) and that leads to depression and low self-esteem.

9. Antisocial disorder

This alteration is characterized by problems relating to others. Avoid all kinds of interaction with other people, whether they are family members, acquaintances or strangers. The symptoms that warn about this disorder can be: shyness, depression, loneliness, violence, aggressiveness, among others. In addition, there is a great fear of rejection.

Antisocial disorder

10. Borderline personality disorder

Those who suffer from this mental illness have a very changeable and weak personality, therefore they doubt everything. They may be calm and within minutes feel anxious, desperate, or angry. It could be said that they live the emotions to the fullest, have very intense love relationships and idolize the couple to the extreme.

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