7 Natural Remedies To Heal Scratches On The Skin

We present some natural remedies to accelerate the healing of scratches on the skin. These products disinfect and help heal the wound.

Scratches or scrapes on the skin are superficial wounds that are often caused by household accidents or falls. In general, they are not serious and can be cured without treatment.

However, it is advisable to clean the area and apply an antiseptic solution to prevent infection. In this sense, remember that a scratch is an open wound and, therefore, a route of entry for infectious agents.

Natural remedies to disinfect scratches

Although there are several over-the-counter medications that can be included in the first aid kit to disinfect superficial wounds, when we do not have them on hand, we can turn to natural alternatives that serve the same purpose.

Natural remedies contain some nutrients that favor the process of cell regeneration and wound healing, almost without leaving a scar. Now, although they can be useful in some moments, it must be borne in mind that because they are natural, they are not safer or beneficial in all cases.

In addition, it must be taken into account that everyone can react in a different way to a natural remedy. Therefore, before resorting to a natural remedy, it is best to consult your doctor. Failure to do so could expose us to various adverse reactions.

Let’s look at some of the most recommended natural remedies to ‘cure’ scratches at home.

1. Aloe vera for scratches

Aloe vera gel to heal scratches

Due to its moisturizing, antimicrobial and healing properties, aloe vera gel has stood out in natural medicine as a good remedy for skin lesions. In fact, various studies support its effectiveness in this field.

In this way, its external application nourishes the areas affected by scratches, scratches or burns and, consequently, promotes their healing without causing burning or allergic reactions.

How to use?

  • First, we extract gel from an aloe vera leaf and apply it to scratched skin.
  • Finally, we let it act for a few minutes and rinse.

Of course, if for any reason, with this or another remedy, we notice an allergic reaction, we will stop applying it and consult the doctor.

2. Carrot juice

The carrot is a food that contains beta-carotenes (vitamin A), vitamin C and essential minerals. All these components, according to a study published in the journal Food and Nutrition Sciences , make it a source of antioxidants and antibacterial substances.

In this way, it can help us disinfect the scratch, preventing it from becoming infected and allowing it to heal itself naturally.

How to use?

  • First, we run a carrot through a juicer.
  • After obtaining the liquid, we apply them on the areas with scratches or other injuries.
  • Finally, we let it act for a few minutes and rinse.

3. Castor oil to regenerate the skin

Castor bean to heal scratches

Castor oil has traditionally been used to heal wounds because it is believed to promote the regeneration of skin tissues.

In this sense, an experiment was carried out in the United States to demonstrate its effectiveness. In this, this oil was administered, along with other balms, to patients with ulcers in a clinic.

In the end, it was concluded that the recovery period had been slightly shorter in those patients who had used castor oil.

In addition, it has moisturizing properties, so it can be good for dry and scaly skin.

How to use?

  • First, we apply a small amount of castor oil on the wound.
  • Then we rub until it is well absorbed.
  • Finally, we leave it to act without rinsing.

4. Lemon juice

Grandma’s classic antiseptic remedy continues as a solution to disinfect superficial wounds.

According to a study published in the journal Wounds , the citric acid in lemon promotes wound healing. How? Well, according to this analysis in several ways. We explain some of them below.

First of all, because it helps to disinfect the wound, preventing infections. In addition, it also increases the microbial activity of the area, promoting the appearance of those bacteria responsible for healing.

Finally, citric acid would also promote the release of oxygen, essential for cell regeneration. 

How to use?

  • To start, we rub a little lemon juice on the scratch or scrape.
  • Then we let it act for 10 minutes
  • Then, we rinse with cold water.
  • We will use it 2 times a day.

    Surely the application of lemon on the wound will produce a strong burning. It’s just a little bit!

    5. Lavender essential oil

    lavender to heal wounds on the skin

    In addition to the moisturizing effect of any oil, lavender, according to various investigations, has antibacterial properties.

    In this way, it can help us clean the scratch or scrape well, preventing it from becoming infected and thus facilitating its healing.

    How to use?

    • First of all, we combine a little lavender essential oil with olive oil.
    • Then, we apply it on the wound or scratch.
    • Finally, we let it absorb without rinsing.

    It is also possible to prepare it by first dipping lavender flowers in a glass of water ; letting it rest for 10 minutes, and finally applying it on the area with scratches or scrapes.

    6. Calendula

    Due to its natural extracts with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic action, calendula has been one of the traditional remedies to relieve wounds, scratches, rashes and other skin conditions.

    Its properties allow it to deflate the area and clean it of microbes. Consequently, calendula  promotes healing and cell regeneration.

    How to use it?

    • First, we prepare a marigold infusion.
    • Then, we use the liquid to rinse the affected areas.

    7. Witch hazel for scratches

    witch hazel heals skin scratches

    Witch hazel has properties that help regenerate the skin and promote the healing of scratches and other skin problems.

    A study published in the European Journal of Pediatrics showed that it helps alleviate ailments, such as certain types of dermatitis, wounds, and skin inflammations.

    In addition, this research was carried out in children, whose skin is more sensitive, and the tolerance rate to it was very high (almost 100%), so it is a safe product, good for all skin types.

    In this way, its direct application cleanses the skin and exerts a slight anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces the swelling caused by scratches, bumps or injuries.

    How to use?

    • First, we moisten a piece of cotton with witch hazel.
    • Then, we rub it, carefully, on the affected area.

    How to disinfect scratches?

    In summary, if we have suffered an accidental cut or scratch, even a slight one, it is convenient to have some of the natural remedies on hand. These will help us to disinfect those small scratches and scratches that are so frequent, favoring their healing.

    Of course, if we notice that after a few days the skin has not healed or the wound is serious (it is not a simple scratch), we will have to go to the doctor. We may have a more serious infection or some other type of problem.

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