5 Easy Ways To Cleanse Your Kidneys

It is worth remembering that our kidneys purify all of our blood daily, eliminating waste and toxins. You should not overlook this important function, since our health and our quality of life depend on it. How about we learn 5 ways to keep them healthy and clean?

The importance of cleaning your kidneys

The kidneys never stop for an instant. They filter, purify, remove foreign elements and excess salt, release hormones and, in turn, control blood pressure and the important balance of electrolytes in the body. There are many people who do not remember the importance of these organs and without knowing, commit excesses or simply do not take care of their lifestyle. In the end, there comes a time when problems arise. Creatinine rises, functionality is lost and we stop properly filtering the blood. We get bloated, tired, and sick. We have to think that life can become very complicated if we are subjected to dialysis. Surely you know someone who lives this reality and understands the importance of keeping your kidneys healthy, clean and strong. So… how about we start today?

Symptoms that your kidneys may have a problem

Each person will show one or more symptoms of those referenced here, we must take them into account as long as it is something constant. That is, there are days when we feel more tired or our legs swell. It is something normal, but if it is something persistent and also adds discomfort or the constant urge to urinate, we should go to the doctor.

  • Feeling almost continuous tiredness
  • Having swollen legs, especially the ankles
  • Our whole body itches, we feel nervous.
  • Very much urge to urinate, much more than usual
  • We lose our appetite, feel vomiting, and feel dizzy.
  • Our hands and legs go to sleep.
  • We want to sleep almost constantly.
  • There are parts of our skin that become somewhat darker.

    5 ways to cleanse your kidneys

    1. The bicarbonate remedy

    sodium bicarbonate

    Surely you have already heard this recommendation. The bicarbonate acts as an electrolyte of  source  natural, which allows us to control and regulate the acidity of the blood (pH level). When we have a kidney problem, it is very common for us to suffer from what is known as renal acidosis that alters the correct kidney function. Sodium bicarbonate will allow us to maintain an optimal balance avoiding said acidosis, in addition to this, it will ensure that stones do not occur, also improving the functionality of the kidneys. It would therefore be ideal for you to drink a glass of water with a small teaspoon of dissolved bicarbonate, three times a week.

    2. The benefits of apple cider vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

    In this case, apple cider vinegar has an acid that is beneficial for the kidneys. At first glance it may seem contradictory since what we do not want is to raise the acidity level of the blood, but what apple cider vinegar actually does is promote digestion and help purify and detoxify. It is therefore worth taking after your main meal a glass of water with a small spoonful of this remedy. We tried?

    3. The best natural herbs for your kidneys

    Phytotherapy is an ideal mechanism to clean your kidneys, filter, reduce inflammation and prevent kidney stones from forming. And what are the best plants to have a good tea or infusion in the middle of the afternoon? Take note:

    • Basil is an excellent kidney toner, perfect to avoid painful stones. You can make an infusion with 5 leaves and then add a tablespoon of honey.
    • Dandelion: One of the best herbs to take care of our digestions, liver and kidneys. It is one of the best toxin purifiers. Just make an infusion with two tablespoons and boil for 15 minutes. Once a day, perfect.
    • Ginger: if you are passionate about ginger, you are in luck. It is considered one of the best natural roots, ideal for treating aspects such as inflammation, pain, infection … it also purifies and strengthens the liver and kidneys.

    4. The best fruits, the best juices

    • Watermelon – It is considered a healing fruit and a natural kidney medicine. And because? because it has a lot of water and above all, because it allows us to clean tissues and blood. Remember that it is better to consume it fresh.
    • Pomegranate juice : Thanks to its astringent properties and its acidic virtues, this juice is an essential piece that you cannot ignore.

    5. A tablespoon of olive oil with lemon in the morning

    oil and lemon elle_ann

    As you already know, olive oil is rich in oleic acid, an acid with perfect anti-inflammatory properties to take care of our body. Another fact to keep in mind is that it has perfect monounsaturated fats to avoid and prevent oxidation. If you mix that morning scoop with a few drops of lemon juice, you will be fighting to avoid kidney stones as well. So what if we start putting it into practice now?

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