Can You Control An Overactive Bladder?

When drinking plenty of fluids, it is normal to go to the bathroom several times to urinate. Now, when urine is expelled at the wrong time and, at the same time, other factors occur, it is possible that the person suffers from an overactive bladder.

Urinating more than eight times a day and having to get up several times at night, as well as constantly feeling a strong urge to urinate (even after going to the bathroom) can become very uncomfortable, as it interrupts daily activities and, in addition , affects the quality of life.

It is worth clarifying that, unlike patients who have urinary incontinence, those who suffer from overactive bladder can retain urination until they reach the bathroom. Fortunately, it is possible to deal with this situation.

Overactive bladder

According to the United States National Library of Medicine, overactive bladder is a syndrome suffered by many people who feel the need to go to the bathroom permanently to relieve their bladder. This urgency varies between periods of one hour and up to every 10 minutes. Therefore, living with this problem could cause many inconveniences. On the other hand, in extreme cases it could cause an involuntary loss of urine.


This syndrome can affect both men and women. It is usually more common in people over the age of sixty-five. In men it is associated with prostate problems, while in women it is more common when reaching the menopausal stage

However, the causes of this disease are still unknown, but possible origins include:

  • Genito-urinary infections.
  • Neurological disorders.
  • Some types of cancer.

In most cases, those who suffer from it feel anxiety and stress, giving way to feelings of anger and frustration.

Dietary factors


Although, as we have already mentioned, the exact causes of this disease are not known, it is believed that diet could play an important role in overactive bladder syndrome.

In fact, it is often recommended to modify your eating plan in an effort to control an overactive bladder. Thus, schedules are usually established to drink liquids and eat according to personal activities. Also the type of food would help improve urinary control.

The North American Menopause Society advises avoiding irritating foods and beverages such as coffee, soda or carbonated drinks and tea, as well as tomatoes as they would cause increased urination.

Recommended foods for overactive bladder

Ideally, develop a balanced eating plan in conjunction with a nutritionist. Among the foods that are usually recommended, we find raw carrots due to their content of fiber, antioxidants (beta-carotenes) and vitamins (especially C), which would help alleviate overactive bladder problems.

Carrot and apple

Other foods

  • Figs
  • Walnuts.
  • Fish.
  • Green peas.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Spinach.
  • Asparagus.
  • Chicken meat.
  • Banana or banana.

Do not forget!

Maintaining a balanced diet, while following the treatment prescribed by the doctor will be essential to improve your health and, therefore, your quality of life.

Remember that consuming these foods, by themselves, will not cure an overactive bladder or another disease. However, they can help you provide your body with all the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Last but not least: always avoid self-medication and, if in doubt, consult your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle.

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