10 Homemade Tips To Enhance Hair Growth

There are a wide variety of tips that we can put into practice to enhance hair growth. Although there are no magic formulas for it to grow overnight, or in days, some care can be applied to make it grow more easily and, above all, with a healthy appearance. Are you interested in knowing them? We detail them below.

The best tips to enhance hair growth

Whether it’s because you have excessive hair loss, or because you want to have a fuller mane, there are several ways to enhance hair growth. However, it is essential that you keep in mind that the results depend on how consistent you are with the care.

In addition, it would be advisable to consult a dermatologist, since hair loss can be due to different factors, and it is necessary to establish its cause for a more effective treatment. While you do this, support yourself with the tips that we share below.

1. Choose a suitable brush

Plastic or metal bristle brushes tend more easily to be aggressive with your hair and end up ruining it. Instead of choosing those of this type, opt better for those that are natural bristles and soft with your hair; This way, you will prevent it from breaking when combing it.

2. Ensures optimal consumption of vitamins and minerals

Nutrition plays a very important role in hair health. According to a review published in Dermatologic Therapy , nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, and minerals such as iron, selenium, and zinc are necessary to enhance hair growth and prevent excessive hair loss. Where to get them from?

Make sure you eat a varied diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, and nuts. Also, if you consider it necessary and an expert indicates it to you, acquire these nutrients in supplements.

3. Massage the scalp

Research published in 2016 determined that massaging the scalp can help maintain thicker hair. This fact was supported by a recent study published in Dermatology and Therapy , in which it was observed that massaging the scalp twice a day can help reduce hair loss.

Every night before going to sleep, dedicate a few minutes to your scalp by gently massaging it with the fingertips of both hands. A good option is u SING rosemary essential oil or coconut for a search for better results.

4. Cut the ends regularly

There is no evidence to support this fact. However, there are those who suggest that trimming the ends of the hair regularly can contribute to healthy and consistent growth. If you notice them too dry and lifeless, this step is a great option.

5. Potato water

As in the previous case, there are no studies that support the effectiveness of potato water to enhance hair growth. However, in popular culture it is a fairly well-known remedy.

When you cook the potatoes in water, reserve the liquid that remains and then apply it as a hair rinse. Repeat its application several times a week to get good results.

6. Onion


Although it does not smell the best, onion has components that help stimulate hair growth. According to an animal study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine , this ingredient improved keratin and blood flow to the cuticles. 

To use it, it can be chopped a little and added to the usual shampoo. Let it rest in the shampoo for fifteen days and then use it as a treatment.

7. Infusion of rosemary to enhance hair growth

The properties of rosemary nourish and strengthen hair, helping it to grow in a healthy way. In fact, this plant is used in the cosmetic industry as an active ingredient in hair treatments.

An animal study published in Phytotherapy Research found that extracts from this plant are helpful in enhancing hair growth. In addition, according to recent research:

Prepare a rosemary infusion by putting a handful of leaves in a pot of boiling water. Let it cool down and then rinse it every day with the  obtained liquid.

8. Ginseng

Ginseng contains active compounds known as ginsenosides, which appear to be responsible for its positive effects on hair health. According to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food , this food can help promote hair growth by stimulating hair follicles. Therefore, it is convenient to take it as a supplement.

9. Grapeseed oil

According to research published in Nutrition and Metabolic Insights , grapeseed oil is rich in phenolic compounds, fatty acids, and vitamins that are beneficial on hair. Thus, it can be a good complement to promote their growth.

Get grapeseed oil from a nearby herbal store, and then apply it all over your scalp. Leave it on overnight and rinse the next day. Repeat its use at least 3 times a week.

10. Aloe vera to enhance hair growth

Although the properties of this ingredient stand out in terms of skin care, it has also been shown to have a positive effect on hair growth and nutrition.

Extract the aloe vera gel and insert it into your usual shampoo bottle. Mix the product well so that the aloe is well incorporated and wash your head with this shampoo every day.

Remember that all these cares and natural remedies must be applied constantly so that their effects on the hair are noticeable. In addition, it must be taken into account that they are only a complement and must be accompanied by other good habits, such as using products suitable for the type of hair, reducing the use of heating elements and staying hydrated.

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