How To Prepare Aloe Vera Juice At Home?

The aloe vera plant is quite common in tropical climates. In fact, today it can be found in hundreds of countries around the world. Its beauty, in addition to the properties of its leaves, are reasons why many like to have it in the home. Do you know how to prepare aloe vera juice at home?

In its natural state, aloe vera leaves contain a thick, viscous gel that can be used for various medicinal applications. In fact, as a publication in the Indian Journal of Dermatology highlights , it is a source of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids and amino acids.

Aloe vera juice is a drink that is obtained from said gel. It has a mild, tolerable flavor that is often mixed with smoothies, juices, and other types of beverages. Including it in the diet is a way to obtain extra nutrients; it is also associated with some health benefits.

Why prepare aloe vera juice at home?

Although there are currently commercial brands of aloe vera juice, there are those who prefer to prepare it at home to take full advantage of the nutritional properties of the plant. Unfortunately, some commercial presentations contain sugars or additives that are not quite good.

Now, there are several reasons to consume this juice as a supplement to your diet. First of all, as we already mentioned, aloe vera concentrates important nutrients. On the other hand, according to a study published in Pharmacognosy Reviews:

  • Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
  • It can help hydrate the body
  • May improve digestive health
  • Has a laxative effect

Honey and aloe vera

Steps to prepare aloe vera juice

  • To begin, cut some fleshy leaves or stalks of an aloe vera plant with a sharp knife. It is important to try to cut them well at the base, but without damaging the other leaves that will remain on the plant to take better advantage of their properties. It is recommended to cut the side rows first.
  • Afterwards, carefully wash the leaves, peel the husk or bark from the stalks and throw them away.
  • Remove well the yellowish layer that is under the bark, as this part can be irritating. In addition, this part of the plant is very bitter for many people.
  • Reserve only the crystals, that is, the transparent, gelatinous substance found inside the leaves.
  • Start blending the aloe vera gel in a blender or mixer.
  • Next, add some fruit juice of your choice to the preparation in order to give it more flavor.
  • Continue blending until you get a homogeneous consistency.

    Glass with fresh aloe vera.

    To keep in mind!

    To make it easier to prepare aloe vera juice, some guidelines can be followed.

    • Try to prepare the juice just after cutting the leaves. The reason for this is that the leaves of this plant oxidize very quickly when they come into contact with air and lose their properties.
    • Once the aloe vera juice is prepared, it should be kept in the fridge or in an airtight container. It must be borne in mind that the sooner it is consumed, the better its properties will be used.

    On the other hand, as we mentioned in the penultimate step, you can sweeten it with honey or some other natural product such as the juice of any fruit that you like.

    As you may have seen, it is a very simple process. Its preparation only requires a little dedication and the benefits for the body are undoubted.

    * The consumption of aloe vera may be contraindicated in some cases, so be sure to consult with your doctor before starting to incorporate this drink into your diet. 

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