What Are The Foods That Help Reduce Inflammation Of The Belly?

Surely you have ever suffered from that annoying feeling of abdominal bloating. What you may not know is that there are foods that can help reduce inflammation of the belly. We are going to talk about it.

But first, you have to know that bloating or abdominal distention is caused by the accumulation of gases or liquids.  It can be caused by different situations, such as certain foods that are difficult to digest or by certain health conditions.

However, according to the US National Library of Medicine, there are other causes associated with health disorders that cause bloating. These include irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, intolerance to certain foods, and some medications. Not to mention PMS.

Abdominal bloating and diet

As long as you are sure that the cause of your bloating is mainly due to food issues, the solution would also be focused on food. Always remember that if the symptoms persist, worsen or new manifestations appear, you should consult a doctor.

Due to hormonal changes, women have a greater tendency to retain fluids. Here we offer a list of foods that can cause swelling or bloating. We will also teach you which ones could be beneficial to reduce inflammation of the belly.

Foods that cause bloating

Some of these foods are necessary for a balanced diet. However, they may be responsible for that bulging abdomen that causes so much discomfort. Among them the following can be mentioned :

  • the dairy
  • Legumes
  • Cabbages
  • Carbonated drinks
  • High-fat foods
  • Very spicy foods
  • Salt.

Foods that help reduce inflammation of the belly

Among the wide variety of foods that we have to nourish ourselves day after day are those that would help prevent fluid or gas retention in the abdomen.

  • Fruits like peaches, pears, pineapples, or apples
  • Lean, baked, grilled, or boiled meats
  • Aromatic herbs such as parsley, oregano or basil
  • Rice
  • Vegetables like pumpkin
  • Eggplant
  • Zucchini (without shell or seeds)
  • Infusions of lemon verbena, peppermint, linden, and boldo may also help reduce swelling.

It is important to bear in mind that, although these foods are considered beneficial to deflate the belly, it is necessary to supplement their intake with other healthy foods.

That is, you should not do restrictive diets where the only basis is these foods. Instead, you should include them in a balanced eating plan that provides all the necessary nutrients for your body.

Other recommendations

Glass of water

On those days when you feel more bloated, don’t stop drinking water.  In this way you will help your body to eliminate excess fluids. Do not fall into the myth that if you are bloated you should not drink water. Of course, keep in mind that if you consume mineral water it must be sodium-free.

And, of course, you should avoid very salty foods. As different studies point out, excess sodium could worsen your situation, since it would make you retain more fluids in your body. Use other methods to season and flavor your food such as spices, which provide a pleasant flavor without adding extra sodium to your preparation.

Exercise should not be neglected either. With a simple walk you will help the extra fluids to be mobilized and then be eliminated effectively.

Final Recommendations

It is not impossible to achieve a pleasant figure, but it requires effort, knowing your body and knowing how it reacts to different foods. It is important to note that you should not ignore any type of food necessary for your good nutrition just for the fact of causing abdominal bloating.

Ideally, you should consult a nutritionist.  A professional can explain the proper way to substitute the foods that cause the discomfort or advise you on how to consume them to avoid alterations in your body.

It may be that with simple changes when cooking food you will be able to avoid discomfort. Thus, you can enjoy all the benefits of these products without suffering the annoying swelling.

And finally, we must mention the importance of good chewing of food to avoid abdominal bloating. Mealtime should be like a ritual, with tranquility and harmony to avoid discomfort associated with digestion.

Follow these tips and increase the consumption of those foods that deflate your belly.  In no time you will feel much better. Won’t you try it?

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